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What are the Interactive Media Awards (IMA)?

The Interactive Media Awards recognize the highest standards of excellence in website design and development and honor individuals and organizations for their outstanding achievement. The awards competition is open to individuals and organizations involved in designing, developing, managing, supporting and promoting websites. For more information visit The Awards : Overview.

Who runs the IMA competition?

The IMA competition was created and is managed by the Interactive Media Council, Inc. (IMC), a nonprofit organization of leading web designers, developers, programmers, advertisers and other web-related professionals. IMC established the competition in an effort to elevate the standards of excellence on the Internet and offer talented web professionals a boost in marketing and exposure. IMC serves as the primary sponsor and governing body of the awards program, establishes the judging system and provides the judges for the competition.

Why enter this awards competition? What’s the benefit?

There are countless benefits to winning this award. As one example, winners automatically receive the IMA Digital Award Icon, which can be placed on the winning website and links to a unique and marketable award page (or award gallery, if entrant has won multiple awards) on our website. In addition, winners gain access to our Winner Tools page which allows winners to customize online awards, notify clients and colleagues and draft press releases. And that’s just the beginning. For more benefits, please see the Top 10 Reasons to Enter.

Which category should I enter?

You should review the list of categories and select those that are most relevant to the website you are nominating. You can select up to three categories per entry (a separate entry fee applies for each category). For more information about categories, see the “Award Categories” section in our Competition Rules. For a full list of categories, see Site Categories.

What is the Interactive Media Council?

The Interactive Media Council, Inc. (IMC) is a nonprofit organization of leading web designers, developers, programmers, advertisers and other web-related professionals. IMC established the Interactive Media Awards (IMA) competition in an effort to elevate the standards of excellence on the Internet and offer talented web professionals a boost in marketing and exposure. IMC serves as the primary sponsor and governing body of the awards program, establishes the judging system and provides the judges for the competition.

Does IMC sponsor conferences or other industry events?

IMC has plans to sponsor and organize events that will bring web professionals together and more effectively enable us to achieve our mission – to elevate the standards of excellence on the Internet and offer winners a boost in marketing and exposure. Information on IMC events can be found at

Can I make changes to my entry once it is submitted? Can I make changes to any awards I win?

No. Once an entry has been submitted and your credit card has been charged, the entry is locked down while your site is being judged. If your entry wins an award, you will have access to a suite of Winner Tools that allows you to customize certain elements of your online award certificate for maximum marketability, in addition to providing functions that help you promote your awards. If you wish to make a change that cannot be made online or need other assistance, please send an e-mail to

Is my online transaction safe? How is my credit card information protected?

Our online transactions are secured by an encrypted security layer provided by Thawte, one of the world's leading providers of SSL certificates. All credit card transactions are processed through VeriSign, the world's largest secure e-commerce gateway. While IMA retains your billing address for easy nomination of future entries, no credit card information is saved by our systems at any time - all credit card data is sent directly to VeriSign via a secure connection.  
VeriSign seal

Does IMA or IMC sell or rent the personal information it acquires from entrants and website users?

No. We protect your privacy and do not sell or rent your personal information to any outside parties. Our commitment to privacy and other matters relating to your personal information are detailed in our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns about your personal information on this site, please contact us at

Who is eligible to enter the IMA competition?

The competition is open to individuals and organizations involved in designing, developing, managing, supporting and promoting websites. Nominators must have the appropriate consent and authorization to nominate a site and nominators must be at least 18 years of age.

What types of websites are ineligible to enter?

Entries can be declared ineligible for various reasons, including inappropriate content or use of unoriginal or copyrighted materials. For more information, please see the Competition Rules.

Can people outside the United States enter the IMA competition?

Yes. Like the Internet itself, the IMA competition is international, and open to all, regardless of geography.

Does the entry need to be in English?

No. We accept entries in many languages.

Can a website be nominated in more than one industry category?

Yes, if the categories selected are relevant to the website entered, each site can be entered in up to three categories at a time.

What is the cost to enter the IMA competition?

US$195 per category (US$125 for categories designated as “nonprofit”, such as “Advocacy” or “Charity").

What is IMA’s refund policy?

Entry fees are nonrefundable, except when a language barrier prevents us from judging your site.

How can I pay the entry fee? What forms of payment are acceptable?

We accept major credit cards (Discover, American Express, Visa and Mastercard), checks and PayPal.

How long does the judging take for my entry?

You will be notified of the results of the judging within 6-8 weeks of paying your entry fee.

Can my entry be disqualified?

Yes. Entries can be disqualified for various reasons, including inappropriate content or use of unoriginal or copyrighted materials. Any violation of our competition rules or Legal Statement can lead to a disqualification of a nomination and the removal of a winner’s awards and awards pages with no refund of entry fees. For more information, please see the Competition Rules.

What are the available industry categories?

The IMA competition allows entries in over 90 categories. For a full list of categories, please see our Site Categories.

What are the entry deadlines?

The IMA competition is administered quarterly, with deadlines on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31. Each industry category appears once per year. To view a list of industry categories available for each quarter, please see our Site Categories.

How are entries judged? What is the system for judging?

Entries are judged according to five criteria: Design, Content, Feature Functionality, Usability and Standards Compliance/Cross-Browser Compatibility. For a full discussion of the judging system and criteria, please review our Judging Guidelines and Judging Criteria.

Who are the judges of the IMA competition?

All of our judges are distinguished professionals and members of the Interactive Media Council, Inc. (IMC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to elevating the standards of excellence on the Internet. Our judges are leaders in web design, advertising, public relations, publishing, news and other industries.


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