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IMDbTV Picks For Friday

Glee 12 Monkeys Grimm Banshee

"Glee" Rachel proposes an idea to Mr. Shuester in order to improve the club's chance at the invitational. (Fox, 9pm - new)

"12 Monkeys" The trail of a mysterious organization called the "Army of the 12 Monkeys" leads Cole to a mental institution in 2015, where a patient holds the key to the plague that destroys the world. (Syfy, 9pm - new)

"Grimm" After Monroe's abduction by the Wesenrein, Nick gathers the whole team, including Wu, to track him down and return him to Rosalee. As the search intensifies, Juliette learns more about her new reality as a Hexenbiest. (NBC, 9pm - new)

"Helix" As the CDC team continues to investigate the island, a sick child appears. After the child's miraculous healing, Jordan suspects that not all is right in the abbey. (Syfy, 10pm - new)

"Banshee" Someone threatens to reveal Lucas's secret, and Tommy Littlestone organizes a second strike against Proctor. (Cinemax, 10pm - new)

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