
A Convergence of Talent & Startups is Set to Go Down at Twiistup

by Ken Yeung on July 7, 2009



A truly unique experience is about to happen in the land of Hollywood and Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles. At the end of this month, the City of Angels will play host to one of the biggest and most extravagant events on the West Coast: Twiistup.

Twiistup - image credit: Mike MacadaanBut what is Twiistup? According to the event’s website, it’s an annual event that was designed to help bring something “new and unique” to the Southern California networking scene. It was created by Mike Macadaan and this year is produced by Francisco Dao who has made it clear that he wants to expand from the previous editions to create something even bigger and better. So just HOW is he going to do that? First of all it’s not a one day event. It’s nearly a two day event where you have networking and celebration and then the traditional conference for the other day where exceptional speakers will help enlighten the crowd.

So aside from the celebration of networking and learning more about what’s going on in the technology and web scene, what else can Twiistup offer that intrigues people to attend? The mission of the event is clear: it’s to create buzz, energy and excitement in the air in order to help move ideas along. The organizers of the event want to focus on bringing the “best and the brightest” together in the area to make the community better.

The format.

Before you think it’s all just fun and games where people get together for over a day and a half and swap business cards, please note that this is not your average networking event. Attendees will be able to attend sessions and panels relating to not just the technology industry, but also entertainment and music – all three industries which share some things in common. Some of the panels tentatively lined up for this year include:

» Incubators and Early Stage investing
» Bridging the online/mainstream divide
» Technology and Music
» Investing and Marketing based on the 7 Deadly Sins
» Startup Ecosystems
» Opportunities and Challenges of User Generated Content
» Monetizing Social Media

Just who shows up?

The past five years of Twiistup has received thousands of people in attendance and this year promises to be nothing short of a record. Here are some of the folks who you will at least see throughout the event and are pretty sure to be appearing at the sessions:

» Jason Calacanis, founder of Mahalo and co-founder of TechCrunch 50 and Weblogs
» Chamillionaire,  Grammy Award-winning and chart topping musician and entrepreneur
» Quincy Jones III (QD3) Music and film producer/entrepreneur.
» Dave McClure,  Seed stage investor for the Founders Fund
» Chris Brogan, President of New Marketing Labs
» Brian Solis, Author of Now is Gone and Putting the Public Back in Public Relations, Publisher of PR 2.0 and bub.blicio.us, Founder of Future Works PR, and strategic advisor to Fortune 500 businesses and startups
» David O. Sacks, Former COO of PayPal, founder and CEO of Geni.com & Yammer, movie producer Thank You For Smoking.
» Todd Goldman, Artist, entrepreneur, co-creator of BLAHGirls (with Ashton Kutcher) & founder of David and Goliath apparel.

The list is tentative at best right now but rest assured that you’re going to have a lot of prominent industry professionals in attendance all eager to help move ideas about and create something truly remarkable. The partnership opportunities (and potential funding) is there. Why wouldn’t you show up?

It’s the startup showoff!

Twiistup - image credit: Mike MacadaanThis year the organizers for Twiistup have thrown down the gauntlet to startups who want to show their wares to those in attendance. Companies were invited earlier this year to submit their products & ideas to the selection committee and only just recently has the results been announced – although partially at best.  In the sixth year, Twiistup will allow companies who plan on launching in the Fall of 2009 to demonstrate or present their concept, website, product – almost like their very own press event. People will be able to ask questions of the startups and will also be privvy to seeing some of the latest technology to emerge out of these respective industries.

But here’s the catch on how you know these companies presenting will be top-notch: startups interested had to have submitted their proposals to a panel of judges well respected in their industry. If the proposal holds muster, then they move onto the next round. Who knows? Maybe one of these companies will have the next Twitter, Facebook or Google that we’ll all be abuzz about for the next few years. The topping on the cake? These spots are free so you know the companies will put together all their effort to really impress you.

The details.

If you want to attend Twiistup at the end of the month, it’s in Los Angeles at the Universal Hilton. The cost for attending all the events relating to Twiistup will run you $297.00 but if you’re just interested in the evening mixer, you will only have to shell out $79. I’m sure that this entire event is not one to be missed and you can get your ticket by clicking here.

Media and press passes are also available in limited quantity. To get one, you will need to send an email to twiistup@lewispr.com.

I’m looking to attend this event and I’ll be more than happy to report back any findings and any buss about new companies that look promising. If you happen to be there at the same time, look for me and let’s connect. Get ready for Twiistup!

Photo Credits: Mike Macadaan

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