Customer Review

1,396 of 1,427 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Detailed Review of the Kindle, November 28, 2014
This review is from: Kindle, 6" Glare-Free Touchscreen Display, Wi-Fi - Includes Special Offers (Electronics)
As has been the case for years, Amazon sloooowwwwly adds new changes and features to the Kindle. This one is no exception. If you've used a Kindle in the past, you're not going to notice much of a change with this one, but since there are some minor upgrades and so forth, I'll briefly go over them:

*** SCREEN ***

The new Kindle is touchscreen and has the typical matte finish with the slightly gray/off-white paper looking background. It's certainly not bright white, but it's also not LCD looking (dark gray.) It does NOT have buttons for page-turning as the older generations do. If you simply must have the page-turning buttons, please search for the older Kindles that offer that. One last thing regarding the screen: this is not a Kindle PaperWhite or Voyage where you have a back-lit screen... this has an unlit, off-white Kindle screen. I will say, the text is noticeably crisper and bolder than I've seen with previous generation Kindles and I believe that's because Amazon is using E-Ink's new "Carta" displays instead of the previously used "Pearl" displays. I love that and have been waiting for years for E-Ink, the Taiwan based company that makes the Kindle screens for Amazon, to improve them. It looks like they're finally getting it!

The new Kindle's screen resolution is 167 ppi which is slightly lower than the Kindle PaperWhite which is 212 ppi, and substantially lower than the Kindle Voyage which boasts an impressive 300 ppi (individual pixels at this density can not be distinguished by the naked eye.) Price-wise though, the base model PaperWhite runs $99 at the time of this review, and the Voyage base model runs $199 so you can see, the more you pay, the better the resolution and features. 167 ppi is fine though... in fact, most webpages are 72 dpi to give you a comparison.


Like other Kindles, you have the choice of purchasing one with "special offers" which is simply a marketing tactic Amazon uses, which, although some people may find annoying, I actually like as it recommends books that I'm actually interested in versus random crap I'd never buy.


One upgrade the new Kindle has is the amount of on-board storage which now allows you to hold thousands of books and of course, it also comes with a slightly faster processor which Amazon claims is 20% faster although honestly, I don't notice the increase in speed. Pages turn quickly and that's all that really matters to me speed-wide. The on-board storage is 4GB, although you also have unlimited access to the Amazon Cloud so there really shouldn't be any worries about storage.


Even going back a few years, the Kindle Paper White bragged about a battery that lasted a week versus a day. For very casual reading, that was true with the Paper White although with regular daily use, it was more like 4 days or so, not a week. The new Kindle has a similar claim in that the battery lasts weeks, not days; that appears to be true. You can easily go two weeks with casual reading and most of that is attributed to the fact that there is no on-board light draining the battery.


Books are downloaded quickly through WiFi, usually in less than 30 seconds, and definitely under a minute, unless you have really crappy internet service. THIS IS NOT 3G so you CANNOT download books unless you have access to WiFi. I have never found this a problem as I download my books at home in advance of leaving for a trip or something. Besides, nearly every McDonalds, Starbucks, and hundreds of other retailers and restaurants now offer free WiFi so if you simply must download that book while travelling, go park in a McDonalds parking lot and download the book. It's not worth paying the extra money for the 3G access, especially when it oftentimes raises the product price by $50 or more.


Like all new Kindles, the touchscreen has some major advantages, one being that you can click on a word you don't know and pull up the dictionary to learn what it means. Also, you have the option of turning on the "highlight" feature where you can highlight important text AND see what areas of text others have highlighted the most. For someone reading a book for research purposes (writing a paper, review, etc.), this is a nice feature as the parts of the book people find most helpful are usually highlighted, alerting you to its importance.


As is the case with all Kindles, subscribing to the Amazon Prime service is going to give you a lot of bang for your buck as you can "borrow" thousands of books for free, and also get special pricing on some items.


Books are stored in the cloud and are accessible by any Kindle device registered to you, as well as from your home computer which gives you plenty of options for reading. Some people use a Kindle PaperWhite or Voyage in bed because of the backlight (as I do) and then have another Kindle that they use for daytime reading. Very rarely do I use my home computer to read the books but it is a nice feature to have for some people.

*** If this review has helped you in any way, please let me know. You can also post comments or ask questions in the comments section below. I try my hardest to include all the important information about the product to help you make an informed purchasing decision and feel comfortable with your purchase. Thank you for taking the time to read my review! ***
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Showing 1-10 of 27 posts in this discussion
Initial post: Nov 29, 2014 12:36:47 AM PST
JR says:
Great review. Thanks for your time. I'd really appreciate if you could answer a few questions I have. Can you highlight in different colours, and if so how many and do they look good? Also, is reading from it the same as reading off a page (I've a real problem with fatigue and reading off computer screens)?

Posted on Nov 29, 2014 11:18:39 AM PST
Phenomenal review. I feel that by having read your review I can now make an informed purchase. No need to research further. Thank you!

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 29, 2014 1:11:09 PM PST
MoonX says:

Unfortunately, you cannot highlight in different colours or any colour for that matter simply because of the limitations of the screen. There is technology underway to make coloured screens for these types of e-readers but until then, if you want colour, you'll have to make the jump to the Kindle Fire line-up.

Reading wise, the screen material they use really does resemble a piece of paper so yes, it is no more or less strain on your eyes than reading off a sheet of paper. In bright light conditions, the Kindle PaperWhite may be an even better option as the backlight that illuminates the screen makes the page even easier to read in bright light or outdoors in the sunlight. Hope this helps!

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 29, 2014 1:12:45 PM PST
MoonX says:

Thank you for the kind comment! I try to pack as much info as I can into my reviews for that exact reason so I'm glad it was helpful for you!

Posted on Nov 29, 2014 2:41:03 PM PST
sylvia field says:
Need help please, even with the great reviews.....still confused. never used a kindle the pricing of 40.00 0r 69.00 for same item...not sure which to order. Also very naive question..where do you buy the books? do you download amazon kindle store?? Thank you for any info received..

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 29, 2014 6:35:27 PM PST
MoonX says:
No need to be confused, that's what we're here for. If you're new to the Kindle, I think you're making a good choice considering the entry level model to make sure it's actually a product you enjoy using. The pricing of $49 vs. $69 for the same product has to do with whether or not you want the Kindle that comes with "special offers" (advertisements), which costs $49, or the version that comes "WITHOUT special offers" (advertisements) which costs $69.

These "advertisements" are simply book recommendations that Amazon gives you when you turn on the Kindle and are only visible on the home-screensaver. Once you actually start reading the book, the ad screensaver goes away and doesn't come back until you turn off the Kindle and turn it back on again. If you pay the extra $20 for the non-advertisement version, these ads will never appear.

Personally, I don't find the ads distracting, especially considering that they disappear when you go to the main menu or start reading a book. To me, it's not worth spending the extra $20 just to get rid of a screensaver advertising a book. You can also buy the "with special offers" version for $49 and "upgrade" later to the "without special offers version" at any time and remove the ads.

To answer your question as to where you buy the books, you have several options. You can either buy them on Amazon by simply searching for a book you're interested in, and ordering the Kindle Version of the book. Once you buy it, it is automatically and immediately sent to your Kindle. No downloading or complicated steps to get your book. It's on your Kindle automatically and can even be viewed on your home computer and other Amazon devices you own.

You can also download free books from the internet that are in a Kindle supported format (see the Kindle details page to see what formats are currently supported.) Once you download these free books, you simply plug the Kindle into your computer and transfer them over. I've done this with hundreds of books I've downloaded for free from Google.

Anyway, I hope this helps. Thank you for taking the time to read my review and please, if you have any other questions, let me know and I'll try to answer them for you!

Posted on Dec 1, 2014 9:38:56 PM PST
Barry Keil says:
Thanks for the wonderful review. I love(ed) my original Kindle, which I use for reading outdoors and in the hot tub. I use my iPad for reading at night and in bed. I can't read the iPad in daylight....the screen washes out!

Unfortunately, my original kindle met with an unfortunate weight-bearing accident, and I lost the screen. But now here comes the newer version, with touchscreen at that! I always got messed up switching from my touchscreen iPad to my non-touchscreen Kindle...but no more. The new Kindle is on order...can't wait.

P.S. My wife has the 7" Kindle HD Fire. I wish I had seen that before buying the iPad. Yes, the Kindle is smaller, but it's also lighter and easier to hold. Plus, it has Dolby iPad has a near impossible-to-hear poor quality speaker...I paid a lot of money for brand recognition! I have since bought 6 Kindle HD Fires for my children and grandchildren...and NO iPads! Get my drift?

Posted on Dec 2, 2014 8:13:48 AM PST
Excellent review, MoonX, thanks!
I do have a question - I only want a reader that does not strain eyes, and have picked up this basic Kindle at a store and found it very appealing.

But - what about the other, more expensive Kindles - they have back-lit screens, so do they go back to the regular, eye-straining screens? And why is the Voyage so much more expensive?

Posted on Dec 3, 2014 10:54:19 PM PST
Last edited by the author on Dec 3, 2014 11:06:39 PM PST
WOW....GREAT REVIEW (but still confused)....YOU should be working for
I want to purchase this for my BFF.... for Christmas.....I am so lost as I am not much of a reader....she REALLY is....Should I also get a reading light or do you think I could find one cheaper in a book store....she reads in bed and would not have known she could not, had I not read ur review...(So Thank You on that)...I am purchasing the 6 month subscription for the books....I don't understand that either...IF you could elaborate on this for me that would be so much more helpful! What would be the MOST help, to me, would be, to PLEASE let me know what I SHOULD purchase to give her as a gift (a complete gift) that she would not have to worry about spending ANY kind of money when she receives it......if you could help me, with this, I would be so grateful!!
THANK YOU for your time and look forward to hearing from you....again, TY for such a superb review!
Also would a over be feasible?

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 4, 2014 7:14:40 AM PST
Barry Keil says:
I use a Verso E-Reader Clip Light from Amazon. Works well, replaceable battery lasts a long time.
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Location: Technology and Automotive Reviewer

Top Reviewer Ranking: 64