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Census of Governments

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2012 Census of Governments

The Census of Governments identifies the scope and nature of the nation's state and local government sector; provides authoritative benchmark figures of public finance and public employment; classifies local government organizations, powers, and activities; and measures federal, state, and local fiscal relationships.

The data are available by:

  • level of government (state, local, or state and local combined),
  • type of government (state, county, city, township, special district, school district), and
  • category of governmental activity (more about governmental activities).

Lists & Structure of Governments

2012 Summary Report (PDF, 524KB)

2012 Census of Governments Organization Tables: Final

2012 Individual State Descriptions [PDF, 1,306MB]

  • Explains how each state is organized inot the different types of local governments.
  • Explains how governments' responsibilities and authority vary from state to state, or within a state.

Upcoming data releases from the Census of Governments: Organization [PDF, 186KB]


Link to Lists & Structure of Governments

Click map to view

Government Employment & Payroll

The Employment component was mailed March 2012 to collect information on the number of state and local government civilian employees and their payrolls.

Government Finance

The Finance Component, with the most up to date data on revenues, expenditures, assets, debt, and pensions, was released on December 16, 2014.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Census of Governments | 1(800) 242-2184| |  Last Revised: December 12, 2014