Contact Us

Please note that we are unable to assist individuals with tax planning or preparation. Our staff includes scholars who study tax policy and data, not tax preparation professionals.  If your question involves tax policy or data, we will do our best to assist you, but if you have a question about your own taxes, e.g. which deductions to take or whether your employer withheld the correct amount from your paycheck, please contact an accountant, tax attorney, tax preparation service, or the IRS. The IRS will answer questions about federal tax returns, forms, and refunds. (Please see this page of contact information on the IRS website.)  If you have a question about your state or local tax payments, forms, refunds, etc., please contact your state's department of revenue. (See the list of state revenue department websites here—scroll to "State Departments of Revenue Websites.")

Email Addresses

Media Inquiries:
Data Questions:
Internships: Click here for information
Jobs/HR: Click here for information
Technical Issues:


Main phone line: (202) 464-6200
When prompted to enter an extension, please enter the last four digits of the phone number.

Media inquiries: (202) 464-5120
Donations: (202) 464-5106

Mailing Address

Tax Foundation
National Press Building
529 14th Street N.W.
Suite 420
Washington, DC 20045-1000
(map and directions)

Hours of Operation

The Tax Foundation's normal hours of operation are 9:00am to 5:30pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.