
Grow Smart Business

Small Business Blog
Friday Small Business Roundup: Lead Generation...
Oct 11, 2013 :: Rieva Lesonsky
You'd like more leads, wouldn't you? We thought so. Read Rieva Lesonsky's post 5 Ways to Generate More Leads and start getting them. Is your email campaign working? You'll never really know unless you learn How to Measure Email For Engagement and...
Friday Small Business Roundup: Everything You...
Oct 04, 2013 :: Rieva Lesonsky
Are you using inbound marketing successfully? Maybe you're not even sure what it is? No worries--our infographic "The Ins and Outs of Inbound Marketing" will get you up to speed. In honor of  Techies Day, check out Monika Jansen's post to learn...
Friday Small Business Roundup: Social Media...
Sep 27, 2013 :: Karen Axelton
Should You Dump Your Brand’s Facebook Page For Google+? Get Monika Jansen's take on the question. Social media can do more than create fans--it can boost sales. Read Rieva Lesonsky's post Study Shows Social Does Drive Sales to learn...
Friday Small Business Roundup: Attracting...
Sep 13, 2013 :: Rieva Lesonsky
Is a Lack of Capital Holding Your Business Back? Read Karen Axelton's post to see what other small business owners are saying. Is social media driving you nuts? Monika Jansen offers 5 Basic Ways to Keep Up With Social Media And Not Lose Your...
Friday Small Business Roundup: Inbound Marketing...
Sep 06, 2013 :: Rieva Lesonsky
Is Your Small Business Profiting From Inbound Marketing Yet? Read Rieva Lesonsky's post to learn what inbound marketing can do for you. Blogging is one of the best tools in the inbound marketer's arsenal. Read Monika Jansen's post How to Build a...
Friday Small Business Roundup: Retail Tips and...
Aug 30, 2013 :: Karen Axelton
Got a retail store? Read Karen Axelton's How Do Local Customers Find Your Business? to get tips on driving more foot traffic. Got a retail website? Don't miss Rieva Lesonsky's post 6 Secrets to Decreasing Shopping Cart Abandonment. Then check...

Small Business Success Index 5 - February 2011

Capital Access
Marketing & Innovation
Customer Service
Computer Technology

Highlights from SBSI Wave 5:

  • Optimism at an all-time high: For the first time in two years, more small business owners think the economic climate is “improving” rather than “worsening” (35 percent compared to 19 percent).
  • Increased use of Social Media : The number of Small Businesses using social media has increased and is now used by almost one out of three enterprises 31 percent(up from 24 percent a year ago and 12 percent two years ago )
  • More businesses online: Websites are the fastest growing online solution for small businesses ;over 56 percent now have websites, up from 46 percent a year ago.
  • Hiring: Many small businesses – 28 percent of the total – are planning on adding staff in 2011, while only 2 percent are considering reductions.

Grow Smart Biz
Conference 2010

The Washington Business Journal and Network Solutions are proud to host the 2nd annual GrowSmartBiz Conference and Trade Show.

We will be joined by leaders in small business to share their knowledge and experience on today's most relevant topics, and over 50 exhibition booths will be available to visit throughout the day.

  • When : Nov 5,2010
  • Where : Renaissance Hotel
  • Washington, DC
  • Tickets start at $79
Register now