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Friday Small Business Roundup: Lead Generation and More

October 11th, 2013 ::

You’d like more leads, wouldn’t you? We thought so. Read Rieva Lesonsky’s post 5 Ways to Generate More Leads and start getting them.

Is your email campaign working? You’ll never really know unless you learn How to Measure Email For Engagement and Sales. Read Monika Jansen’s post to learn how.

If You Advertise on Facebook, You Need To Know About Power Editor. Read Monika Jansen’s post to learn more.

Are you using content marketing? See how you measure up to other businesses – read Rieva Lesonsky’s post How Companies Use Content Marketing to Generate New Leads.

Friday Small Business Roundup: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Inbound Marketing…and More

October 4th, 2013 ::

Are you using inbound marketing successfully? Maybe you’re not even sure what it is? No worries–our infographic “The Ins and Outs of Inbound Marketing” will get you up to speed.

In honor of  Techies Day, check out Monika Jansen’s post to learn the 7 Technical Skills Every Small Business Owner Needs For Online Marketing.

Then fine-tune your WordPress skills–read Monika Jansen’s post on WordPress 101: Basics Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know.

Leads are critical to small business growth. But What Leads Are the Most Valuable? Read Rieva Lesonsky’s post to find out.

Online marketing tools are helping restaurant owners get new customers. Are you ahead of the curve? Find out in How Are Smart Restaurant Owners Using Digital Marketing? by Rieva Lesonsky.

Have you invested in your business’s technology lately? If not, you could be getting left behind. Read Rieva Lesonsky’s post Small Business Tech Spending: Do You Measure Up? to find out.

Are you targeting Millennial customers or Baby Boomer? Either way, check out Rieva Lesonsky’s post How to Target 2 of Today’s Hottest Markets.

Friday Small Business Roundup: Ecommerce Boosters and More

August 9th, 2013 ::

Is Your Ecommerce Website Giving Mobile Shoppers What They Want? Read Rieva Lesonsky’s post to find out.

Specifically, target one of the hottest groups of online shoppers by learning How Millennials Shop Online in Rieva Lesonsky’s post.

It’s not too early to start planning for holiday 2013 retailing. Read Is Your Ecommerce Site Ready for Holiday 2013? by Rieva Lesonsky to make sure you’re on the right track.

Looking beyond the standard promotional items? Read 19 Awesome and Useful Swag Ideas by Monika Jansen.

Power up your restaurant profits. Read Karen Axelton’s post on the latest restaurant trends to boost your business.

Is Your Office a Creative Space? Check out Maria Valdez Haubrich’s post to learn how the new trend in office design could spark innovation in your team.

Friday Small Business Roundup: Who’s Spending What, and How?

August 2nd, 2013 ::

Can Eating the Frog Make You More Productive? And just what does it mean? Read Rieva Lesonsky’s post to find out.

It’s the little things that count. Read Monika Jansen’s post 19 Easy Ways to Improve Your Customer Service for great ideas you can put into practice right away.

You might be turning away money without even realizing it. Read Maria Valdez Haubrich’s post Are You a Payment Dinosaur? to learn why.

Are you missing out on the lucrative senior market? Read Maria Valdez Haubrich’s post Think Seniors Aren’t Online? Think Again to find out.

All kinds of consumers are getting primed to spend. Read more in Karen Axelton’s post Consumers Are Ready to Spend on Luxury Products and Services.

Learn the benefits of inbound marketing and how to use it in your business in Monika Jansen’s post The ROI of Inbound Marketing.


Friday Small Business Roundup: Harnessing Technology and More

July 5th, 2013 ::

What do high-growth small businesses have in common? Find out in Maria Valdez Haubrich’s post The Most Successful Small Business Owners Use Technology to Grow Their Businesses.

Then discover How Using Facebook Can Make Your Employees More, Not Less, Productive, in Rieva Lesonsky’s post.

Help your customers spread the word about your business. Check out Monika Jansen’s 6 Top B2B Word-of-Mouth Marketing Tips.

Is your brand working as well as it should be? Read Monika Jansen’s 7 Tips to Help You Build a Strong Personal Brand.

Do Customers Really Want to Eat Healthy When Eating Out? Rieva Lesonsky gives restaurant owners the skinny in her post.

Learn What Millennials Want From Your Restaurant in Karen Axelton’s post–it may not be what you think.

Friday Small Business Roundup: Marketing With Google + and More

June 28th, 2013 ::

Are You Giving Online Shoppers the Customer Service Essentials They Expect? Read Rieva Lesonsky’s post to find out.

Are you making the most of Google+? Read Monika Jansen’s 5 Steps for a Successful Google+ Hangout.

How Can Home-Related Businesses Market to Millennials? Discover how this generation is different from any other in Karen Axelton’s post.

Trying to reach new B2B customers? Don’t miss Maria Valdez Haubrich’s post How Content Marketing Helps Make the B2B Sale.

Speaking of new customers, did you know This Hidden College Market Could Be a Gold Mine? Read Rieva Lesonsky’s post to find out what you could be missing out on.

Struggling to make your B2B marketing compelling? Read Monika Jansen’s 3 Examples of Engaging B2B Infographics From Non-Visual Companies.

You’re always trying to get new customers–but what about the ones you already have? Read Rieva Lesonsky’s post Customer Service Tips to Keep Your Most Valuable Customers Happy to keep them coming back.

Become a brand customers love! Read Monika Jansen’s 9 Great Tips on Creating Lovable Marketing From Industry Experts.


Friday Small Business Roundup: Customer Service and More

June 14th, 2013 ::

What Are Consumers Spending on This Summer—and How Can You Get Your Share? Read Karen Axelton’s post to find out.

Is a Talent Shortage Hurting Your Customer Service? Find out why small business owners still struggle to fill jobs in Rieva Lesonsky’s post.

Are you scrimping on new technology? It could be hurting your business. Read Maria Valdez Haubrich’s post How Does Your Small Business’s IT Spending Measure Up? to learn whether you’re getting left behind.

Dan Zarrella’s new book has valuable lessons for small business owners. Get the scoop in Monika Jansen’s series, Top Takeaways From the Science of Marketing, Part 1, and Top Takeaways From the Science of Marketing, Part 2.

Is your customer service up to par? Find out if you’ve got The 4 Factors in Great Customer Service.

People Are Talking—About Your Customer Service, That Is. To make sure they’re saying nice things, read  Rieva Lesonsky’s advice.

Want to learn something new? Read Monika Jansen’s post 6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Graphic Design Skills.

Friday Small Business Roundup: Smarter Online Marketing and More

May 24th, 2013 ::

You’re sending out emails, but is anyone responding? If not, Monika Jansen has 9 Easy Ways to Improve Email Click-Through Rates.

What are customer personas and how can they help your marketing? Find out in 4 Easy Steps to Create Customer Personas, by Monika Jansen.

It doesn’t matter how many customers you attract to your business if they never come back a second time. Read Rieva Lesonsky’s post Is Your Business Driving Customers Crazy? to make sure you’re not driving customers away.

If you haven’t updated your business website since 1999, maybe it’s time to read Monika Jansen’s 8 Signs It’s Time for a New Website.

Hiring doesn’t have to mean the same old, same old. For Your Next Hire, Think Out of the Box, by Rieva Lesonsky, shows you some new ways to think about hiring.

Then expand your hiring horizons by reading Rieva Lesonsky’s How to Use Social Media to Find Job Candidates.

Do you own a restaurant? Read Rieva Lesonsky’s post to learn What Matters Most to Restaurant Customers.

How Are Your Employees Using Mobile Devices? See if you measure up in Rieva Lesonsky’s post.

Friday Small Business Roundup: Niche Markets and More

May 17th, 2013 ::

Did your small business have reason to celebrate on Mother’s Day? If you’re marketing to moms right, you did–check out Maria Valdez Haubrich’s post When It Comes to Social Media, Mom Just Can’t Get Enough, for tips on what moms want.

Wondering how to attract more restaurant customers? Read Karen Axelton’s tip in 1 Simple Step That Can Make More People Eat at Your Restaurant.

Do You Need to Hire an IT Expert? Rieva Lesonsky shares the reasons you might want to add an IT person to your team.

No matter who you’re hiring, read Rieva Lesonsky’s post on Secrets to Conducting a Successful Job Interview first.

What You Need to Know About Hispanic Consumers, by Rieva Lesonsky, will give you the scoop on an increasingly important market.

Speaking of niche markets, check out Monika Jansen’s post 7 Reasons Being Niche Will Improve Your Small Business’s Marketing Strategy.

Then improve your business blog by reading–and acting on — The Do’s and Don’ts of a Successful Guest Blogger Program, by Monika Jansen.

Last, but not least, get better results from your content marketing strategy. Monika Jansen shows you how in 7 Types of Content That Search Engines Love.

Web.com Small Business Tip of the Day: Women Breadwinners Call the Shots

May 6th, 2013 ::

Want to target your marketing efforts to the breadwinner in the family? According to The Luxury Institute’s recent survey, women are not only the CEOs of their families, but 41 percent of women included in the survey were also the family breadwinners, contributing more than 50 percent of the household income. However, despite the fact that these educated women are earning six-figure salaries, their top priority is still family. So how do you market to these highly educated, affluent women? Think about their busy schedules and high standards. Make sure your website is attractive, professional, easy to navigate and represented on social media. And finally, consider test marketing to this category to get some helpful feedback on what could be improved.