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How Do Your Healthiness Habits Measure Up?

Finding time to eat right, stay fit and generally keep work and life in balance is a daily struggle for every small business owner. How do your healthiness habits stack up to those of other entrepreneurs? Bank of America’s spring 2013 Small Business Owner Report has some answers that can tell you if you’re ahead of the pack—or behind the curve—when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle.

Small business owners in the study reported a fair amount of stress. Almost three out of four (72 percent) say they regularly work more than 40 hours a week. Their top business stressors include:

  • Achieving work-life balance (18 percent).
  • Factors beyond their control such as the economy or natural disasters (15 percent).
  • Managing their business’s cash flow (14 percent).
  • Keeping customers satisfied (14 percent).

Despite these stressors, the survey found, small business owners are doing better than in the past at taking care of themselves. They are:

  • Getting between seven and eight hours of sleep every night (49 percent).
  • Exercising more often (35 percent).
  • Eating better (29 percent).
  • Spending more time with their spouse, family or friends (21 percent).

In addition to being healthy themselves, many of the business owners surveyed say they’re trying to help their employees live healthier lives and be less stressed, too. Almost half (45 percent) offer flexible work or remote work options. One-third provide health/wellness benefits to their employees, and nearly one third (31 percent) offer health-related workplace perks such as massages or healthy snacks.

If you’re struggling to achieve more balance in your life, here are some tips to help:

  • Designate time in your schedule for working out, having lunch with a friend or eating dinner with your family. Treat these as you would business appointments and don’t let them get pushed aside.
  • Limit “screen time” in your bedroom—turn off the TV, tablet and computer. Make sure your bedroom is darkened to eliminate outside light that can interfere with sleep.
  • Stock your office, briefcase and/or car with healthy snacks such as fruit, nuts or energy bars that don’t require refrigeration. This will help you avoid the temptations of office donuts or fast-food drive-thrus.

Remember, your business success relies on your energy, stamina and fitness, so make the time to treat your health like the valued business asset that it is.

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