Official Source US Export and Import Statistics - Foreign Trade - US Census Bureau                    This Javascript allows the page in IE to resize to the minimum width of 853 pixels and no less.        var s_code=s.t();if(s_code)document.write(s_code)      jq162 = $.noConflict(true);       Skip to main navigation   U.S. Department of Commerce | Blogs | Index A-Z | Glossary | FAQs                   United States Census Bureau             Skip Main Navigation Skip To Navigation Content    This navigation uses Javascript. Your browser either doesnt support Javascript or you have it turned off. To see this page as it is meant to appear please use a Javascript enabled browser.    Topics Population, Economy         Population  Economy   Business  Education  Employment  Families & Living Arrangements  Health  Housing  Income & Poverty  International Trade  Public Sector   Index A-Z                        Geography Maps, Geographic Data         About   Education    GSS Initiative   Interactive Maps   Maps & Data   Metropolitan & Micropolitan   Partnerships   Reference   Research                         Library Infographics, Publications         Audio   Infographics   Photos   Publications   Video   Working Papers                         Data Tools, Developers                         Data Tools and Apps   Developers   Mobile Apps   Product Catalog   Related Sites   Software   Training & Workshops   Visualizations         About the Bureau Research, Surveys                         About Us   Our Research   Our Surveys and Programs   Business Opportunities   History   Jobs @ Census   Field Jobs by State         Newsroom News, Events, Blogs                          Director's Blog   Facts for Features   Profile America   Releases   Tip Sheets             Topics   Introducing a new way to navigate by topics. Access the latest news, data, publications and more around topics of interest.

      Population   Our population statistics cover age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, migration, ancestry, language use, veterans, as well as population estimates and projections.

    Age and Sex Ancestry  Children Foreign Born Hispanic Origin International Language Use Migration/Geographic Mobility Population Estimates Population Projections Race Veterans      Economy   The U.S. Census Bureau is the official source of statistical data tracking the national economy.

    Classification Codes (i.e., NAICS) Economic Census Economic Indicators Economic Studies Industry Statistics Portal Other Economic Programs     Business   Business is a large part of America's diverse economy. This section provides key information about businesses in your community.

    Get Help with Your Form Business Characteristics Classification Codes (i.e., NAICS) Construction Manufacturing Mining Retail Trade Services Wholesale Trade     Education   This section provides information on a range of educational topics, from educational attainment and school enrollment to school districts, costs and financing.

    Educational Attainment Educational Services Public School System Finances School Districts School Enrollment Teaching about Statistics     Employment   We measure the state of the nations workforce, including employment and unemployment levels, weeks and hours worked, occupations, and commuting. 

    Commuting (Journey to Work) County Business Patterns  Disability Employment Tabulation Employers: Public Sector Equal Employment Opportunity Tabulation  Industry and Class of Worker Labor Force Statistics Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics  Occupation  Public Sector Employment and Payroll Survey of Business Owners Work from Home     Families & Living Arrangements  Our statistics highlight trends in household and family composition, describe characteristics of the residents of housing units, and show how they are related.

    Child Care Children Families and Households Fertility  Grandparents and Grandchildren Marriage and Divorce Same-sex Couples     Health   Health statistics on insurance coverage, disability, fertility and other health issues are increasingly important in measuring the nation's overall well-being.

    Disability Expenses and Investments Fertility  Health Care Industries  Health Insurance HIV/AIDS Small Area Health Insurance Estimates  Social Assistance Industries      Housing   We measure the housing and construction industry, track homeownership rates, and produce statistics on the physical and financial characteristics of our homes.

    Financial Characteristics  Homeownership Housing Vacancies Multifamily Housing New Housing (Construction) Physical Characteristics Rental Housing Residential Financing     Income & Poverty  Income is the gauge many use to determine the well-being of the U.S. population. Survey and census questions cover poverty, income, and wealth.

    Income Income Inequality  Poverty Public Assistance Small Area Income and Poverty Supplemental Poverty Measure Wealth      International Trade  The U.S. Census Bureau is the official source for U.S. export and import statistics and regulations governing the reporting of exports from the U.S.

    Automated Export System (AES/AES Direct)  Commodity Classification (Schedule B) Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) Import and Export Data Reference     Public Sector  The U.S. Census Bureau provides data for the Federal, state and local governments as well as voting, redistricting, apportionment and congressional affairs.

    Building Permits Census of Governments Congressional and Intergovernmental Congressional Apportionment Criminal Justice Emergency Preparedness Government Employment & Payroll Government Finances Government Organization Government Taxes Redistricting Data Voting and Registration     Index A-Z  Search an alphabetical index of keywords and phrases to access Census Bureau statistics, publications, products, services, data, and data tools.

        Geography   Geography provides the framework for Census Bureau survey design, sample selection, data collection, tabulation, and dissemination.

      About   Geography is central to the work of the Bureau, providing the framework for survey design, sample selection, data collection, tabulation, and dissemination.

       Education   Find resources on how to use geographic data and products with statistical data, educational blog postings, and presentations.

       GSS Initiative  The Geographic Support System Initiative will integrate improved address coverage, spatial feature updates, and enhanced quality assessment and measurement.

       Interactive Maps  Work with interactive mapping tools from across the Census Bureau.

       Maps & Data  Find geographic data and products such as Shapefiles, KMLs, TIGERweb, boundary files, geographic relationship files, and reference and thematic maps.

       Metropolitan & Micropolitan  Metropolitan and micropolitan areas are geographic entities used by Federal statistical agencies in collecting, tabulating, and publishing Federal statistics.

       Partnerships   Find information about specific partnership programs and learn more about our partnerships with other organizations.

       Reference   Definitions of geographic terms, why geographic areas are defined, and how the Census Bureau defines geographic areas.

       Research   We conduct research on geographic topics such as how to define geographic areas and how geography changes over time.

        Library   Visit our library of Census Bureau multimedia files. Collection formats include audio, video, mobile apps, images, and publications.

      Audio   Collection of audio features and sound bites.

       Infographics   The Census Bureau packages data and information into easy-to-understand visuals.

       Photos   Browse Census Bureau images.

       Publications   Read briefs and reports from Census Bureau experts.

       Video   Watch Census Bureau vignettes, testimonials, and video files.

       Working Papers  Read research analyses from Census Bureau experts.

        Data   Access data through products and tools including data visualizations, mobile apps, interactive web apps and other software.

      Data Tools and Apps  Find information using interactive applications to get statistics from multiple surveys.

    American FactFinder Census Explorer Easy Stats Interactive Population Map My Congressional District Population Clock Quick Facts     Developers   Developer portal to access services and documentation for the Census Bureau's APIs.

       Mobile Apps  Explore Census Bureau data on your mobile device with interactive tools.

       Product Catalog  Find a multitude of DVDs, CDs and publications in print by topic.

       Related Sites  These external sites provide more data.

       Software   Download extraction tools to help you get the in-depth data you need.

       Training & Workshops  Learn more about our data from this collection of e-tutorials, presentations, webinars and other training materials. Sign up for training sessions.

       Visualizations   Explore Census data with interactive visualizations covering a broad range of topics.

        About the Bureau  Learn how we serve the public as the most reliable source of data about the nation's people and economy.

      About Us  How we provide the best mix of timeliness, relevancy, quality, and cost for the data we collect.

       Our Research  Our researchers explore innovative ways to conduct surveys, increase respondent participation, reduce costs, and improve accuracy.

       Our Surveys and Programs  Our surveys provide periodic and comprehensive statistics about the nation, critical for government programs, policies, and decisionmaking.

    Are You in a Survey? 2020 Census   2015 Census Tests   2010 Census  American Community Survey American Housing Survey Economic Census  Special Census Program  Survey of Income and Program Participation     Business Opportunities  Learn about other opportunities to collaborate with us.

       History   Explore the rich historical background of an organization with roots almost as old as the nation.

       Jobs @ Census  Explore prospective positions available at the Census Bureau.

       Field Jobs by State  Information about the current field vacancies available at the U.S. Census Bureau Regional Offices. 

        Newsroom   Discover the latest in Census Bureau data releases, reports, and events.

      Director's Blog  The Census Bureau's Director writes on how we measure America's people, places and economy. 

       Facts for Features  Find interesting and quirky statistics regarding national celebrations and major events.

       Profile America  Listen to audio files on fun facts, historical figures, and celebrations of the month.

       Releases   Find media toolkits, advisories, and all the latest Census news.

       Tip Sheets  See what's coming up in releases and reports.

                Foreign Trade  Skip top of page navigation  You are here: › Business & Industry › Foreign Trade     Main About Outreach Data AES Regulations Reference Definitions Schedule B FAQs     var unlinker = new Unlinker('#dropdown ul > li', 'a', function(container) { $(container).addClass('selected'); //$(container).fadeTo(2000, 0.5, function() { $(container).removeClass('selected') }); }); unlinker.removeAllLinks();   This Javascript highlights what section of the main navigation you are on and unlinks its URL.              Important Links  Global Reach Blog Newsletters AESDirect DropBox Guide to Foreign Trade Foreign Trade Products Download Subscription USA Trade Online   Related Sites    Business and Industry Briefing Room North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)    Economic Indicator Database             FOREIGN TRADE is the official source for U.S. export and import statistics and responsible for issuing regulations governing the reporting of all export shipments from the United States. If you're searching for import or export statistics, information on export regulations, commodity classifications, or a host of other trade related topics, this is the place to get the information you need.  

  News    NEW: The 2012 Manufacturing and International Trade Report (MITR) The Manufacturing and International Trade Report (MITR) is a new annual report from the U.S. Census Bureau, which for the first time, will provide a comprehensive comparison between detailed manufacturing product class data and associated import and export data. The 2012 MITR will combine statistics from the Economic Census and official U.S. export and import merchandise trade statistics. Future reports will also incorporate statistics from the Annual Survey of Manufactures.  Details

    Goods and Services Deficit Decreased in October 2014 The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services decreased to $43.4 billion in October from $43.6 billion in September (revised), as exports increased more than imports. (December 5, 2014)

   Updated U.S. Merchandise Trade Statistics: A Quality Profile  The U.S. Census Bureau announced the release of the updated U.S. Merchandise Trade Statistics: A Quality Profile. The Census Bureau strives to provide accurate, high quality statistics to meet the needs of our various data users. However, to use the information wisely and appropriately, users need to understand the nature and limitations of the merchandise trade statistics program. This paper discusses issues affecting the quality of the statistics, and some known limitations. It also highlights some recent and proposed improvements to the quality of the statistics. 

   Enforcement of the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR)  The revisions to the Foreign Trade Regulations published in the Final Rule of March 14, 2013 are fully enforceable as of October 3, 2014. If you have any questions regarding the new requirements please call 1-800-549-0595, option 3 or email 

  Preliminary Profile of U.S. Importing and Exporting Companies, 2012-2013 The Department of Commerce released the report, Preliminary Profile of U.S. Importing and Exporting Companies, 2012 - 2013. It provides information on identified companies and their known export or import value (October 3, 2014).

    Imports and Exports by Related Parties, 2013 The Department of Commerce released the report, U.S. Goods Trade: Imports & Exports by Related-Parties 2013. Related-party trade accounted for 41.6 percent ($1,589.4 billion) of total goods trade ($3,818.6 billion). Related-party total goods trade is based on consumption imports and total exports. (May 6, 2014)

   Profile of U.S. Importing and Exporting Companies, 2011-2012 The Department of Commerce released the report, A Profile of U.S. Importing and Exporting Companies, 2011 - 2012. It provides information on identified companies and their known export or import value. In 2012 the number of identified U.S. exporters was 304.9 thousand, up from 303.5 thousand in 2011.

   Foreign Trade Regulations Town Hall Webinars  These in-depth webinars provide the information necessary to understand the changes to the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR). Come learn about what has changed in the FTR and how that change will affect you. Best of all, the webinars are free. These webinars will focus on changes in reporting requirements, new fields added to the Automated Export System, changes in definitions, and much more. The webinars will start on July 18 and will be repeated on August 8, September 5, October 3, November 7, and December 12. Details 

    New FT-900 Exhibit 19: Seasonally Adjusted Countries and Areas Beginning with the January 2014 release, the "U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services" report (FT-900) includes a new exhibit (Exhibit 19) that presents monthly and quarterly seasonally adjusted trade in goods on a Census basis for selected major trading partner countries and areas.

   Advanced Export Information (AEI) Pilot Program  The U.S. Census Bureau is announcing the implementation of a pilot program to evaluate a new filing option in the Automated Export System (AES).  Specifically, the AEI pilot is a voluntary program in which selected exporters agree to submit a limited set of Electronic Export Information (EEI) in accordance with existing filing deadlines followed by the full set of data elements submitted within five calendar days of the date of export.  Correspondence indicating interest in the AEI pilot will be accepted until April 1, 2014.

                       October 2014 Trade Numbers Deficit: $43.4 Billion Exports: $197.5 Billion Imports: $241.0 Billion 

  Next release: January 7, 2015 Complete Release Schedule

    Export Training Videos  Collection of videos to enhance export training.

     Upcoming Training AES Compliance Seminars

 Jan 21-22, 2015 Houston, TX

     Contact Us Contact the Foreign Trade staff: Email us or use our feedback form! 

 Call us: (800)549-0595 

                       Skip to top of page      ABOUT US  Are You in a Survey?   FAQs   Director's Corner   Regional Offices   History   Research   Scientific Integrity   Jobs @ Census   Diversity @ Census   Business Opportunities   Congressional and Intergovernmental   Contact Us         FIND DATA  QuickFacts   American FactFinder   Easy Stats   Population Finder   2010 Census   Economic Census   Interactive Maps   Training & Workshops   Data Tools   Developers   Catalogs   Publications         BUSINESS & INDUSTRY  Help With Your Forms   Economic Indicators   Economic Census   E-Stats   International Trade   Export Codes   NAICS   Governments   Local Employment Dynamics   Survey of Business Owners         PEOPLE & HOUSEHOLDS  2010 Census   2000 Census   American Community Survey   Income   Poverty   Population Estimates   Population Projections   Health Insurance   Housing   International   Genealogy         SPECIAL TOPICS  Statistics in  Schools   Tribal Resources (AIAN)   Emergency Preparedness   Statistical Abstract   Special Census Program   Fraudulent Activity & Scams   Recovery Act         NEWSROOM  News Releases   Release Schedule   Facts for Features   Blogs   Multimedia         CONNECT WITH US      Accessibility | Information Quality | FOIA | Data Protection and Privacy Policy | U.S. Department of Commerce             Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Foreign Trade  | |  Last Revised: December 18, 2014