The Twitter Developer Blog

Your source for new features, best practices and real-world use of the Twitter Platform.

Results from Developer for: March 2013

Changes to the 'Sign in with Twitter' flow

We just made some changes to our OAuth 1.0A flow, enabling applications to better control automatic redirection behavior in the “Sign in with Twitter” flow. With these changes, we recommend you log in to and review the applications you’ve created and the specific OAuth options available to them.Read more…

The Hosebird Client streaming library

Today we’re releasing Hosebird Client, a Java-based client for Twitter’s Streaming APIs. While Twitter has open-sourced a considerable amount of software, this is the first API client library we’ve developed in-house and are releasing to the world.Read more…

Introducing new metadata for Tweets

We’ll soon be adding new fields to Tweet structures returned by the API, helping developers more easily work with targeted subsets of Tweet collections.Read more…

A Crashlytics update

You may know that a couple weeks ago, Twitter acquired Crashlytics, a mobile crash reporting solution. Today, we thought mobile developers would like to know that Crashlytics is folding its Enterprise features into its main product. This means that developers can now use Crashlytics with no usage costs or limits.

Here at Twitter, we love using Crashlytics for mobile crash reporting, and we think that you will too. You can read more about their announcement on their blog.Read more…

Planning for API v1’s Retirement

Back in September, we released the Twitter REST API v1.1 and announced that API v1 would be retired in March 2013. I’d like to provide you with more detail on the plan to retire API v1.Read more…