The Official Twitter Blog

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Results from The Twitter Blog for: March 2013

Annncng: Twttr

Starting today, we are shifting to a two-tiered service: Everyone can use our basic service, Twttr, but you only get consonants. For five dollars a month, you can use our premium “Twitter” service which also includes vowels.Read more…

This Week on Twitter - Mar. 25

Monday, Mar. 25; 8:00 p.m. ET / PT “Dancing with the Stars” (@DancingABC) viewers can cast their vote via Twitter for which couple will enjoy an encore dance. Tune in Tuesday night to find out who won.Read more…

Celebrating #Twitter7


There’s an old English saying, “Keep a thing seven years, and you’ll always find a use for it.” Today is Twitter’s 7th birthday, which we observe on the day @jack first tweetedRead more…

This Week on Twitter: 18 March

Tuesday, Mar. 19 - Apr. 8; check local listings NCAA (@NCAA) March Madness kicks off this week. For instant replays, updates and the latest throughout the tourney, be sure to follow @MarchMadness, @MarchMadnessTV and @HoopsonCBS. Tweet along during all 67 games with the hashtag #MarchMadness.Read more…

Welcome Twitter for Windows 8


Today, we are releasing Twitter for Windows 8, a new app that makes it easier than ever to share and discover content on Windows 8 devices. In addition to familiar Twitter features, including the Home, Connect, Discover, and Me tabs, this app introduces new functionality that takes advantage of unique Windows 8 features.Read more…

The new @Pontifex


While thousands of people gathered at St. Peter’s Square to celebrate the announcement of Pope Francis, the rest of the world came together on Twitter. As speculation about the new pope swirled about, much like the white smoke from the chimney at the Sistine Chapel, people across the globe tweeted with anticipation. After 45 minutes of post-smoke waiting, the new @Pontifex was announced.Read more…

This Week on Twitter: 11 March

Tuesday, Mar. 12; 10:00 p.m. ET / 7:00 p.m. PT Bonnie Somerville (@BonSomerville), Stella Maeve (@StellaMaeve14) and executive producer Nick Wooton (@GoldenBoyCBS) will be live tweeting during “Golden Boy” (@GoldenBoyCBS), #GoldenBoy.Read more…

#OnlyOnTwitter: Mr. Paul Goes to Washington and the Senate filibuster

In a modern-day “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” moment, Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul), R-Kentucky, stood on the Senate floor for almost 13 hours yesterday. He was using the filibuster to debate the Obama Administration’s drone policy prior to a vote on the White House’s nomination for CIA director.

The day began around 11:47am EST:Read more…

Mobile app updates: Enhancements to search, web browsing and more

Today we’re updating our iOS and Android apps along with to make it easier and faster to find and see content on Twitter.Read more…

This Week on Twitter - 4 March

Monday, Mar. 4-10 In honor of National Poetry Month, the New York Public Library is hosting a National Poetry Contest on Twitter. Aspiring poets are encouraged to submit three poetic Tweets about libraries, books, reading or New York City. Learn more and register online, here. Follow: New York Public Library (@NYPL)Read more…