The Twitter Developer Blog

Your source for new features, best practices and real-world use of the Twitter Platform.

Results from Developer for: 2012

Upcoming Changes

We’d like to share some upcoming changes to our link wrapper with the ecosystem. We’re going to be extending the maximum length of wrapped links from 20 to 22 characters for non-https URLs, and 21 to 23 characters for https URLs.

To give everyone enough time to update their applications, this change won’t go into effect for two months - so please consider this a heads up. On February 6th, 2013, the GET help/configuration method will start to return the updated values for the length of characters returned in the following key-value pairs: Read more…

The @urbandictionary account grows daily followers 6.5x by implementing the Follow Button

A few weeks ago in mid-November, our friends at Urban Dictionary decided to implement the Follow Button across their site. They were looking to integrate more with Twitter, and were curious to see how this small change might affect their follower count. At the time, @urbandictionary was seeing an average follower growth rate of 87 follows a day in the weeks leading up to their implementation of the Follow Button. Read more…

A timeline of API announcements

As a developer working with Twitter’s platform, you have a lot of moving parts to stay on top of. In the past few months we’ve announced new APIs, deprecated old APIs, added endpoints and additional data to responses, changed SSL certificates, and made a host of other changes. Keeping track of all the dates and details can be painful.Read more…

Tips and Tricks for better Twitter Cards

A few weeks ago, we posted More Interactive Tweets, in More than 2000 ways on our blog for the general public. We outlined a few interesting uses of cards (we still call them “expanded Tweets” when talking about them generally). Around about the same time, my colleague Buster Benson, who’s actively working on the future of Cards, had a pretty interesting blog post of his own: Hidden Twitter Cards Potential.Read more…

More changes to withheld content fields

Last week we announced upcoming changes to withheld content fields which unified the “withheld_in_countries” field across our APIs to a standard format: an array of uppercase country codes.

We have deployed this change today. With this deploy, we will also introduce two custom country codes which will represent the following scenarios:

1.) When a Tweet is withheld in all countries, we will use the country code XX instead of enumerating every country. For example:Read more…

Reverse Auth: enabled by default

Shortly after we announced our iOS integration last year, we heard from developers that they needed a way to securely obtain access tokens for iOS users that could then be used server-side to perform long-running data processing or to integrate with existing business logic.Read more…

Updating the SSL certificate



The SSL certificate will be changing from the current VeriSign certificate to a DigiCert certificate within the next month. Read more…

Changes to withheld content fields

Updates: Read more…

Follow the Presidential Debate tonight through the Twitter Ecosystem

Twitter is the pulse of the election discussion. It’s where the storyline is often developed, where voters react, and where communities come to connect and discuss important topics. With the election coming up, and tonight’s final presidential debate quickly approaching, we wanted to highlight several companies –– CNN, Votizen, and Yahoo! News –– which have used Twitter to build creative integrations that make it even easier to follow and participate in the election conversation happening on Twitter.Read more…

Twitter Office Hours for Newsrooms coming to New York

In just one week, we’re heading to New York City to hold our first-ever “newsroom office hours”. It’s designed for our friends who are publishers and developers at media outlets looking to meet our team, give us feedback, and get answers about the Twitter Platform. The gathering will take place from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday, Oct. 25 at CUNY (219 W. 40th St.). A big thanks to @jeffjarvis and @cunyjschool for hosting us! Read more…
