KDP Kids

Create and sell beautiful Kindle books to millions of readers worldwide.

Kindle Kids' Book Creator: Import illustrations, add pop-ups and preview your illustrated kids book with Kindle Kids' Book Creator.

Age and Grade Tools: Help parents choose the right books for their kids. Use our Age and Grade tools to reach the right audience.

Marketing Tools: Benefit from Amazon's powerful marketing tools and global distribution. Enroll in KDP Select to get more promotional benefits.

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children's book today.

Join the thousands of children's book authors on KDP. Here are some of their stories:

"There was no risk - all I had to do was put my book out there."

Raymond Bean, author of the School is a Nightmare series

November 2012 marked the four year anniversary of my leap into self-publishing. When I published my first title way back in 2008, I didn't know what a Kindle was, no one read digital books yet, and self-publishing was about as cool as a canker sore.

At the time, the only thing I had to show for my writing was a computer full of stories and a binder full of rejections. I taught during the day, worked for a catering company on the weekends, and wrote as often as possible. I did what writers were "supposed to do":

"KDP gave me all the tools and information I needed to get each of my books in front of the right audience."

Seymour Simon, author of the Planet series for children

I started writing professionally while I was still teaching and serving as Science Department Chair in a large New York City public junior high school -- nearly 40 years ago. My career as an author began by writing a monthly science supplement for Scholastic magazines, and I soon began writing science books for children. Many of my books, like my popular Einstein Anderson: Science Geek series, are based on the projects I was doing every day in my classroom. Eventually, I had so many writing contracts that I retired from teaching to write full time. At this point I have written so many books that I am not sure of the exact count....but I know it is getting close to 300!

"I'm pleased to know that the people behind Kindle are still hard at work trying to give writers, like myself, an opportunity and a voice."

A.J. Cosmo, author of Monsters A to Z

I joined the Kindle platform in the winter of 2011, though I have been writing and drawing in some capacity since the third grade. The biggest challenge to publication was my own self-doubt. This fear kept me from approaching agents and publishers with my work. Creative freedom, combined with immediate results, led me to the Kindle platform. It's said that Amazon removed the gatekeepers to publishing, which is partially true, but in reality it made the general public into the gatekeepers. I have learned over the past three years what people like about my work and that has allowed me to grow faster than would have been possible through traditional publishing.

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