Website Enhancements

Website enhancements improve your online image

Work directly with expert designers to make advanced design updates, embed audio and videos files, and link to online resources.
Website interactions made easy
Make your website more functional, engaging and appealing — providing a user friendly experience that encourages repeat visits.
Flexible pricing and on-time guarantees
Customize your website with various enhancements including flash file integration, photo faders, links to online resources and more.
Hourly Rate Support
Starting at
$120.00 per hour

Services may include:

Embed or link to a video
Add your Flash files
Creation of simple photo faders

Additional Resources

How to Choose the Right Designer: A Checklist for Professional Web Design
Learn how to choose a reliable, professional designer and avoid the most common design pitfalls and mistakes.
Download Solution Guide

Other Design Services You Might Need

Let our expert design team breathe new life into your old website with a complete redesign. Check out our Website Design Services.

Are you selling products online? Let us build your storefront through our Ecommerce Web Design Services.

What does your logo say about your business? Establish your identity with our Logo Design Services powered by Logoworks®.

Keep your site current and relevant with our Website Maintenance Services.