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Friday Small Business Roundup: Online Marketing and More

August 16th, 2013 ::

Want to drive more engagement with your email marketing campaign? Read Monika Jansen’s 5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Autoresponder Emails.

Trying to drive more local customers to your business? Don’t miss Maria Valdez Haubrich’s post How Yelp Influences Local Shopping.

Should Your Online Store Expand Into Brick & Mortar? Read Rieva Lesonsky’s post to help you decide.

Is Your Ecommerce Site Ready for Holiday 2013? Find out in Rieva Lesonsky’s post.

Marketing to Millennials? It’s All About Attitude, Karen Axelton explains in her post.

What Is Social Currency, and Why Is It Important for B2B Companies? Get the scoop in Monika Jansen’s post.

The views expressed here are the author's alone and not those of Network Solutions or its partners.

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