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Web.com Small Business Tip of the Day: Banks Optimistic About Small Businesses

April 26th, 2013 ::

If you’ve been holding off on applying for a small business loan, now might be the time to make your move. A recent survey conducted for FICO, an analytics software company, revealed 62 percent of U.S. banks are optimistic that the demands for small business loans would be met in the next six months. In addition, 89 percent of banks surveyed said the approval rate for small business loans would hold steady or increase, and 79 percent of respondents believe the delinquency rate on small business loans would remain flat or decrease in the same time period. The survey results could mean small businesses would have more capital to begin investing and hiring again.

Web.com Small Business Tip of the Day: Plan for Disaster

April 25th, 2013 ::

With the tragedy of the Boston Marathon still fresh in everyone’s minds, it revives memories of other recent disasters that have misplaced citizens, families and businesses of all sizes. Even if your business is not located in a disaster-prone area, you never know what else could happen that would interrupt the normal operations of your company. Plan ahead by making sure your critical business information is backed up and stored offsite, diversify your suppliers in case something happens to their business and obtain business interruption insurance. Most important: Make a plan with employees to set up a chain of communication to make sure everyone is accounted for so you can let worried family members and coworkers know.

Web.com Small Business Tip of the Day: National Small Business Week

April 24th, 2013 ::

The Small Business Administration just announced this year’s National Small Business Week (NSBW) will be held June 17-June 21. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the SBA and the 50th anniversary for NSBW. To help celebrate, instead of just holding one event in Washington, DC where the festivities are traditionally held, the SBA is hosting daily events around the country. According to the SBA, this will help “ensure that during National Small Business Week we celebrate all small businesses…and reach more individuals in our small business communities.” Local events will be held in Seattle (6/17), Dallas (6/18), St. Louis (6/19), and Pittsburgh (6/20). If you can’t attend any of the local events, they will all be live-streamed on the SBA’s website at www.sba.gov.

Web.com Small Business Tip of the Day: Content Marketing

April 23rd, 2013 ::

Have you taken the content marketing plunge yet? Whether it’s using content to gain a social media following or posting helpful articles to your website, content marketing is the hot marketing trend everyone’s buzzing about, already accounting for 25 percent of the budget of small businesses with 10-99 employees. But the Content Marketing Survey Report from Econsultancy and Outbrain says although 90 percent of those surveyed believe content marketing will be even more important in the coming year, only 38 percent have a strategy in place. When crafting your content marketing strategy, remember to deliver the content in an informational but entertaining format. Also provide content that focuses on helping your customers instead of selling your product or service.

Web.com Small Business Tip of the Day: Crowdfunding Fees

April 22nd, 2013 ::

If you’re considering using a crowdfunding website to finance a product launch, you’re not alone. Global crowdfunding grew 81 percent to $2.7 billion last year and successfully funded more than 1 million campaigns. But did you know you most likely have to pay fees to participate? Depending on how much money you need to raise, crowdfunding may or may not be a viable option for you once you consider how much the crowdfunding website charges in fees. Kickstarter, one of the most popular crowdfunding sites, charges a 5 percent fee for every successful project. Some sites charge even more for projects that don’t meet fundraising goals, so check the fine print before you sign up.

Web.com Small Business Toolkit: Pets Best Insurance (Employee Benefit)

April 18th, 2013 ::

Pets Best Insurance

It might seem like a silly benefit to offer employees, but if you actually offered it you’d be surprised how many of your team would take you up on it—and be forever appreciative. According to Pets Best, pet insurance is one of the most-requested voluntary benefits in the U.S. Perhaps that shouldn’t be a surprise, since 62 percent of all U.S. households have pets—and you can be sure those pet owners are all too familiar with the high cost of veterinary procedures. Pets Best recently announced the launch of its new payroll deduction service for employees. The signup process is free and there are no minimum participation or employer contribution requirements. Plans start at less than $1 a day, with no age limits for pets.

Web.com Small Business Toolkit: CrowdIt (Crowdfunding Site)

April 17th, 2013 ::


Although it’s not “officially” launching until June 4, 2013, CrowdIt is creating buzz for its crowdfunding projects by previewing early submission through its new “carousel.” In addition, projects submitted by June 1, 2013 are eligible to win $10,000 from CrowdIt based on which project reaches the highest amount of funding by August 18, 2013. CrowdIt acts as a virtual incubator and is taking a new approach to crowdfunding by including peer-review feedback, mentoring and business networking as part of its offering. Flexible funding options mean you can request full or partial funding based upon the unique needs of your crowdfunding campaign.

Web.com Small Business Toolkit: Updience.com (Online Marketing Solution)

April 16th, 2013 ::


The best free marketing tool has always been word-of-mouth, and today, more and more innovative entrepreneurs are using social media to create new ways to spread the good word about your business. Updience.com is based on the notion that your happy customers are the best channel by which to find new customers—and a recommendation can spread your reach to all corners of the world. Simply choose the location of your customers (local, state by state or worldwide). Then choose your target market, whether consumer or business to business, by age, gender and/or marital status. Updience.com will then advise you on how many potential customers you can reach through their site—for free.


Web.com Small Business Toolkit: Sandler Training (Sales Training)

April 15th, 2013 ::

Sandler Training

You may be a natural-born salesperson (or have hired one), but everyone can use a refresher course now and then. Sandler Training has been around since 1967 and has grown into an international franchise with 200 locations worldwide, offering sales training in 27 different languages. Rather than a quick fix, Sandler approaches the sales process with reinforcement and constant coaching. From online tools to local training centers, Sandler offers many ways for businesses of all sizes to take advantage of their vast experience. Check out their blog for smart insights about sales and ask about customizable material for your sales staff.

Web.com Small Business Toolkit: America’s Economy App (Census Bureau App)

April 12th, 2013 ::

America’s Economy App

Now you can keep your fingertips on the pulse of the American economy—wherever you are—with the government’s new app. Available for both Apple and Android phones and tablets, America’s Economy provides real-time updates for 16 key economic indicators from the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics and Bureau of Economic Analysis. Some of the key economic measures include employment, manufacturing, international trade, retail sales, and residential construction and sales. The app allows the user to follow the U.S. economy as the government learns new data. You can see whether the indicator has gone up or down since the previous report, and trends over time.