Frequently Asked Questions

Cover Art

What are the specifications for creating the cover art associated to my audiobook?

Product images submitted over ACX must meet the following requirements:

  • Images must contain both the name of the title and author(s)
  • The resolution of these images can be no smaller than 72 dpi.
  • Images must be RGB, not CMYK.
  • Images must be squared. The squared cover must be a true squared cover and cannot be rectangular with colored borders on the side. (CD case cover/jacket, e.g.)
  • Images should be at least 24-bit. Images cannot refer to physical CD's or media other than the audio presented.
  • Jewel cases, promotional stickers, and cellophane are not allowed. Pornographic and offensive materials are not allowed.
  • Images must be no smaller than 2400 X 2400 pixels in size.
  • Images should not be stretched to fit the required dimensions
  • For more information on this, please read the pdf version of our Cover Art Requirements.

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Can I use the cover art from the print edition to my book for my audiobook?

Usage of cover art from past editions is a question of rights. Check whether you have contractual permission from the artist or print publisher. Your book jacket may have combined an original image from one artist with text that was laid out by a separate graphic artist. You’ll need to make sure you have rights to all of it. Otherwise, we advise that you create original art, or have someone you know do so, and then assign you all rights. ACX also allows you to choose from a solid-color cover during the upload process. However, we recommend a highly designed and visually-appealing imagery supporting your product in order to best merchandise your book.

Please be sure to always follow our Cover Art Requirements.

Please note that once your audiobook has begun production you will have the opportunity to upload cover art. (The print book's artwork that comes with the Title Profile will automatically disappear.)

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How can I create original cover art for my audiobook?

If you don’t know a graphic designer, try posting a request on Craigslist. Or use a cost-effective design service like, which is a competitive design marketplace that matches freelance designers with people in need of a design.

Please be sure to always follow our Cover Art Requirements.

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