Ya Gotta Draw The Line Somewhere

drawingtheline#1 Question I get from people at VO conferences and events:

“When do you sleep?”

What they really mean is…”I don’t have enough time in the day to be present on all those social media sites, and do it justice.  How do you do that?”

To be even more succinct, their concern is that:  “I don’t have enough time in the day to be present on all those social media sites, and not feel guilty that I’m missing an opportunity, or some information, or a relationship that could benefit my VO business.”

Intrinsic in any and all of those statements, is that one NEEDS to be present on Social Media these days to:
a)  keep up with trends
b)  find work
c)  maintain relationships
d)  not miss something

For the record, yes, I believe you MUST be on Social Media these days to do all of the above, but the fair and balanced journalist in me knows there are plenty of voice actors who are NOT on Social Media (or just barely), and are quite successful in their freelance business (now).

When automobiles were first coming on the scene, plenty of farriers (horseshoe blacksmiths) kept busy for many years.   ;-)  But where are they today?

So maybe the better question for all of us is: “What should be the proper balance of existing and proven (legacy) marketing, & relationship-building vs. developing (progressive) methods?”

Like choosing a microphone, this is a very personal decision for all voice-actors.

I was speaking to a peer well-known to all voice-actors the other day about his perceived absence in Social Media lately.  He acknowledged that he was, indeed, purposely scarce on the social networks of late, saying:  “…I just decided to lay low, lurk around, and just focus … customer service…”

He’s not the only one who’s expressed that sentiment to me lately.  Social Networking exploded on the scene several years ago.  Some find (found) it fulfilling and productive, others come and go, ebbing and flowing according to their commitment & passion for it, and their perceived priorities.

Where do you fall on this issue?

Here’s a quick checklist for deciding whether you’re judiciously using your time on Social Networks:
1)  Have you set some sort of parameters for spending time on social media per day? (much like you would schedule time for answering email, voicing projects, or being with your kids?)
2)  Do you have goals, a vision, and/or a business plan for using Social Media?
3)  Have you researched, studied, or rec’d coaching on best use of Social Media?
4)  Did you decide whether time spent on Social Media is work or fun for you?  (If work…persist because of it’s ROI.  If fun,…don’t let it run away with your time).
5)  Have you established methods for measuring the results of time and effort spent on Social Media? (admittedly, this is a new and developing field, but not without options).

This is by no means an exhaustive list, nor have I dealt with this topic in its full scope here.  But begin with the above 5 points, and let me know how it goes.

Despite its seemingly nebulous nature, Social Media IS finding useful focus for businesses and freelancers.  I believe there are many reasons to stick with it for the long haul…just make sure you get enough sleep.




split personality

6 Realities of Working 2 Jobs

How many voice-actors do you know who graduated from State U with a major in voice-acting? I thought so. Ok, then...how many voice-actors do you know who earned their degree in business/poli-sci/marketing/or communications and jumped right into voice-acting? Again, suspicions confirmed. That means most all of us doing professional voiceover work today started somewhere else and eventually jumped into the full-time gig after struggling along in some other job WHILE testing the VO waters on … [Read More...]


Oh, I Wish!

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18 Days Early…

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Telos Z/IP

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The Perils of Passionate Patter

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Ya Gotta Draw The Line Somewhere

#1 Question I get from people at VO conferences and events: “When do you sleep?” What they really mean is…”I don’t have enough time in the day to be present on all those social media sites, and do it justice.  How do you do that?” To be even more succinct, their concern is that:  “I […]


Should We Be Worried?

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Maybe you’re above this. Perhaps SAG-AFTRA recommends you bypass this, or could be you’re just lost when it comes to this… but Craigslist is more and more proving to be a valid source for VO work IFF: you know how to use it you have the time you are patient My “CRACKING CRAIGSLIST” blog from […]



File this under:  “the client really doesn’t know what she/he wants”. …They just know what they DON’T want…and the popular Nazi-delivery du jour is “announcery”.  We talked about this before.  Announcers are the zombies of the voice-over world.  Dead, but still moving and seeking sustenance.  Please see my blog about how unfair that is, here:  […]


Harvest Time

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In Missouri…

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15+ Dialects Sites

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11 Ways to Know You’re a Pro VO

Does it matter?  Not really.  You don’t need ME to tell you when you are a professional.  But increasingly, it seems important to know if you’ve made the grade.  World-Voices Organization was inspired by the FaffCon criteria for passing muster as a “professional VO”.  For the record:  here’s the WoVO criteria: “To qualify as a […]

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