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Club Boats Policy

  • The boats are to be used for improving personal skills afloat.
  • They are available for hire by members, on a first come first served basis
  • The current price structure per day is displayed on the log sheets in the galley
    • Wayfarer £10                                    Wayfarer help sheet
    • Laser £5                                              Laser help sheet
    • Topper £5                                          Topper help sheet
    • Solo £5                                                Solo help sheet
    • Oppies £0                                           Oppie help sheet

They are ONLY to be used in the presence of the OOD, a Committee member or someone with an RYA Coaching Qualification.

Buoyancy Aids are the total responsibility of the users, as each one must be correctly fitted for safety. The club does not have any for hire.
The Log sheets must be filled in before rigging and the money handed in to the galley staff on race days or with the authorising member. Please note any comments you have on the condition of the boats, both as you find them and as you leave them. There are help sheets available for each class of boat, please read them before using the boats.
Our aim is to keep all the boats in a good condition and therefore available for your use, so please treat them as if they were your own.

…AND, please, leave them just as YOU would wish to find them! Thank you the RBSC Committee

The above instructions are here to help you and to ensure that all club boats are left in a clean and usable state ready for immediate use.

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  • Topper For Sale
    Sail No 27453 (1993) Complete watertight and ready...
  • Sell A Boat
    Something to Sell? Members can place For Sale or ...
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Upcoming Events
  • Sun May 04, 2014
    RBSC - Spring Series 4th of 7
  • Wed May 07, 2014
    RBSC - Evening Personal Handicap Pursuit 1st of 17
  • Sat May 10, 2014
    RBSC - Leader Open