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Friday Small Business Roundup: The Secrets of Happy Customers and More

June 21st, 2013 ::

Want to Improve Your Customer Service? Do a Customer Survey. It’s easy–Rieva Lesonsky shows you how.

Want your marketing to go viral? Monika Jansen’s post How to Combine Viral Content to Really Turbocharge Your Marketing will help.

Maria Valdez Haubrich has some surprising news: The Greener Your Business, the Greener Your Sales, a new survey says.

Keep your customers happy. Read Rieva Lesonsky’s 5 Steps to Using Twitter as a Customer Service Tool.

Make sure your marketing efforts fit your target market’s technology. Read Karen Axelton’s Who’s Using Smartphones and What Does It Mean to Your Business?

Are You Driving Customers Away With These Common Customer Service Mistakes? Rieva Lesonsky’s post tells you how to avoid the errors and keep customers coming back.

Your PR efforts finally landed publicity! Now how to ace the interview with that reporter or blogger? Read Monika Jansen’s 6 Tips for Giving a Great Interview to find out.

Have to interview someone? Check out Monika Jansen’s 5 Basic Tips for Conducting a Great Interview to handle it like a pro.

How Are Dating and Interviewing the Same? Part 4

June 28th, 2010 ::

by Allison Kapner

How are dating and interviewing the same? Let’s examine Step 4: The First Impression.

Congratulations, you made it! You went through the awkward first contact, prepped as much as you possibly could and now it’s show time!

Of course, all that means is that you made it through the awkward initial set-up meeting and now it’s time for the awkward first greeting.

Photo courtesy istolethetv. Flickr Creative Commons.

The interview is easy, shake your interviewer’s hand and mimic their grip. Don’t go in too strong right away… even if you are Superman or Wonder Woman. If your interviewer’s handshake is dainty and delicate and you squeeze too strong, it will work against you. Instead, be firm, quick and confident as you let them lead the way. Two other pieces of advice: 1) As you are shaking hands, make eye contact and smile. 2) Make sure you let the interviewer lead the way to the office if you have to make your way somewhere else in the building, even if you’ve been to this office before.

How about dating? Do you hug, kiss on the cheek, kiss cheek to cheek, shake hands… What do you do? It really depends on your comfort level with the person before the date and how much you’ve spoken. I generally go for the quick cheek-to-cheek kiss or awkward but-trying-to-make-it-not-awkward-hug which turns into a side hug of some sort. Regardless, expect it to be awkward but muscle up a big smile and show enthusiasm. If you are the man, opening your date’s car door will most likely win you some brownie points, and girls, for those of you who are fans of The Bronx Tale, electronic locks make it difficult to pass “the test” so don’t feel pressured. But still pay attention to whether your date doesn’t have the automatic locks or doesn’t use them to unlock his door.

Remember, in both cases, you have only 10 seconds to make a first impression. Your nonverbal communication is imperative during this stage, so make sure you exude confidence and an upbeat spirit. (People like to surround themselves with positive people so this impression will get you off on the right foot.)

No pressure, right? If you fumble during the impression, don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. Pick yourself up and go get ’em!

Allison Kapner headshotAllison Kapner is a Relationship Manager in Career Services at the Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School where she is responsible for building partnerships with employers to ultimately create job and internship opportunities for students and alumni. She also advises and coaches students on job search techniques and brings a unique corporate expertise to assist candidates, as her past experience was as an Executive Recruiter in financial services in New York City.

House Hunting, Dating, and the Interview

June 14th, 2010 ::

by Allison Kapner

Photo courtesy david.nikonvscanon/David Blaikie. Flickr Creative Commons.

An interesting twist… how are house hunting, dating and interviewing the same?

This week I thought I would add an additional twist to the mix. Some of our readers may be able to relate to this blog and others may not be ready to consider this question.

The twist: Not only do dating and interviewing share common characteristics, so does house hunting.

And really, all life-changing events can apply to today’s lesson: Patience, timing and optimism are critical.

We’ve discussed some of the fundamentals between dating and interviewing. Let’s take a minute to reflect on the process of buying a house.

You come across many different options and have to somehow begin to target houses within your budget and experience level (already renovated or do you have the ability to fix it up) as well as just the idea of whether each option is overall the “right” house.

Sound familiar? Finding a job or mate that does not align with your needs will not do you any good and will only cause future frustration.

Just like Monster.com, Match.com, and other sites we have discussed, there are house hunting websites where you can opt to have listings sent to you each day. Similar to dating, you won’t be attracted to every house and similar to job searching, they won’t all fit into your desired future plans. With job hunting, you interview to find out if you and a company make a good match. With dating, well, you go on dates. And with housing hunting, you tour houses. And in each case, hopefully you’ll know when you’ve found your match.

Research: House hunting, like job hunting and spouse hunting, takes research. You need to research neighborhoods and figure out what you want out of a house, similar to knowing what type of culture you are looking for in a job and what qualities you want in a mate. Without research, you will spin your wheels because nothing can fits with qualifications that don’t exist.

As someone who is going through the house hunting process, I can attend that it is a rollercoaster. Job searching is a roller coaster. Dating is a rollercoaster. My advice to you, do not try to do all three at the same time!

Allison Kapner headshotAllison Kapner is a Relationship Manager in Career Services at the Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School where she is responsible for building partnerships with employers to ultimately create job and internship opportunities for students and alumni. She also advises and coaches students on job search techniques and brings a unique corporate expertise to assist candidates, as her past experience was as an Executive Recruiter in financial services in New York City.

Best Of… A Round Up of Interesting Articles on Interviews and Tech Etiquette

June 3rd, 2010 ::

by Robin Ferrier

Photo courtesy Benimoto / Benny Mazur. Flickr Creative Commons.

Under the category of “there’s no reason to reinvent the wheel,” I present another “Best of…” post with links to some fun, interesting, and informative pieces around the web.

The 10 Types of Crappy Interviewees
Funny cartoons that emphasize things you shouldn’t do during an interview. Brought to us by The Oatmeal, a quirky site with a lot of fun cartoons. Here’s hoping you don’t recognize yourself in any of these (especially the “man” wearing nothing but Batman underwear)! And if you are one of these people, here’s hoping you recognize yourself enough to make some changes.

The Tech Etiquette Manual from Real Simple Magazine
Not directly related to the “job search” process, but still some great advice about how to handle tech-related situations. Some of the advice may seem antiquated to you, but going back to yesterday’s great post from Patrick Madsen, some things you might find acceptable — like checking a Blackberry mid-conversation — might be offensive to others.

7 Little-Known Reasons You’re Not Getting Hired from Updated News
This advice may come from a Canadian publication, but it is still relevant to the American working world. Updated News provides some great, less common advice on why you may be having problems finding a job, including why that “Where do you see yourself in five years?” question is so important.

What are you reading online that you’re finding helpful in your job search? Post below. Let us know.

Robin Ferrier is the editor of What’s Next, Gen Y? and Communications Manager for the Johns Hopkins University Montgomery County Campus. She is also the President of the Capital Communicators Group and the co-chair of the Marketing Committee for the Tech Council of Maryland. She has inadvertently become a frequent career / professional / job hunt resource for friends and colleagues due to a career path that has included five jobs in 12 years.

Why I will reject you…

June 2nd, 2010 ::

by Patrick Madsen

Photo courtesy smemon87 / Sean MacEntee. Flickr Creative Commons.

I am a part of what is known as “Generation X.” I am supposed to be your ally, part of the generation in the working world that understands you best. After all, we both come from a time of computers and the internet, and according to everything you read, we share a number of other characteristics and abilities. So why is it that I would reject your application, reject you during the interview, and may not even respond to you at all? Easy… because you are not showing me why I should.

Here are just a few reasons you may get rejected by me:

  1. Professional image: Yes, business attire has changed and business casual has become more of the “norm” in corporate American. BUT that doesn’t mean that you can wear flip-flops to work, not brush your hair, or wear “Saturday night” attire to an interview or to networking occasions. The people that are still in charge and making the hiring decisions will look for the professionally dressed.
  2. Your attitude: Just because I am not standing in front of you does not mean that I will not hear about EVERYTHING you said and did. I remember a student who showed up to our building for an appointment only to discover that I was not in the building. He threw a temper tantrum in front of our reception team, demanded to see my boss, and wrote a two page grievance letter to the dean. While printing this letter, he decided to check his email only to find out that he had mixed up the appointment day/time. He didn’t turn in the letter to the dean. But I still heard the whole story. So be careful about the image you are projecting AT ALL TIMES as it can affect your career opportunities in the future, especially when you don’t yet have a proven track record. No one wants to hire someone with a poor attitude or who cannot act professionally. (Side note: Even had I been wrong and gotten the date messed up, the temper tantrum in the lobby would have immediately put this student in the “no” pile had I been a hiring manager.)
  3. You don’t care: I can quickly pick out those who really care about the job and those who just see it as a means to an end. Find something you are passionate about and go after it. Don’t settle for something that you will hang onto only for a short time and then move on. Your passion, or lack thereof, can be seen on your face, your demeanor, and presentation. That said, I also don’t want you to think that your first job will be your “dream job” and will meet your every criterion. But there is a mid-point between those two extremes.
  4. Spelling and grammar: You’ve heard this before, I’m sure, but it bears repeating: One negative trend that technology has created is the lack of professional writing. With people instant messaging, tweeting, and texting, their ability to coherently develop structured writing based on the “rules” we learned in school has gone by the wayside. Emails that are poorly developed, resumes with one spelling mistake, or even a connection request on LinkedIn that has errors often will land you in the “no” pile vs. the “yes” pile.

People forget that a job interview is a sales call. You need to sell me your “value”! Why should I want to hire you if you cannot sell me on the idea of you? Think about yourself as a product. What would make a consumer purchase that product?

And remember that you are still playing in the world developed by those from the Baby Boomer Generation and Generation X. Learn as much as you can about how they think, how they work, and what motivates them. The more you know, the more it will help you interact with those from the generations doing the hiring.

Patrick Madsen, Director of Programs & Education in Career Services at the Johns Hopkins University Carey Business SchoolPatrick Madsen is the Director of Programs & Education in Career Services at the Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School. He manages the Programs & Education curriculum to include career advising services, speaker series, brand management training, and other events to help students prepare themselves for the world of work. His background includes a degree in Psychology from North Carolina State University, a masters degree in Counseling from East Carolina University, and a doctorate in Organizational Leadership/Student Affairs from Nova Southeastern University.

How are dating and interviewing the same? Part 3

June 1st, 2010 ::

by Allison Kapner

How are dating and interviewing the same? Let’s examine Step 3: Prepping for the interview or date…

What to wear?

Photo courtesy Athena Flickr. Flickr Creative Commons.

My philosophy for interviewing and dating is to air on the conservative side. Ladies, showing skin is showing skin no matter what situation you’re in. If you’re looking for a quick fix at the bar or to work at a strip club, skin works. If not, I recommend skirts that fall at the knee or below, no stilettos, and blouses that leave something to the imagination. Your hair should be simple, too distracting will take attention away from what you’re saying, and hopefully by this point, you realize the importance of having intelligent things to say. Conservative jewelry is best also, unless of course you are headed into the world of fashion or some other creative industry.

Men, same goes for you, nothing too tight (we’re not on the Jersey Shore) and not too much hair gel or cologne.

Dark suits for all are recommended, again, unless you’re going into fashion or another creative field where a dark suit will be seen as stodgy. And no matter what field you’re going into, stay away from white suits. Laughing at that suggestion? Trust me, I have seen it… and it’s not a pretty sight.

Sure, for dates, there is no standard, but my advice is to stick to something classy or cute that speaks to your personality. And remember to leave something to the imagination. Also, if the guy is picking you up, make sure you ask where you’re going. The last thing you want to do is show up in high heels and a summer dress when you’re going to the rodeo!

Get enough sleep
No one likes bags under your eyes, period. Or someone who yawns their way through an interview or date.

Be there. EARLY!
Before an interview, I always get there an hour early and scope out the area. This gives me time to relax a bit, leaves a cushion for getting lost and alleviates some of the frenzy. However, I don’t actually go into the company’s lobby until much closer to the interview.

As for dating, I think the old school dating rule of letting a man wait for you is just that – old school. If he gets there on time, you should show him the same respect and be ready on time.

Practice, practice, practice!
More so for interviews, but if you have social anxiety or feel awkward on first dates, there is nothing wrong with standing at the mirror and practicing your greeting, answering “typical” interview or date questions or just smiling.

Know your brand (see previous blogs posted by my peers) and do not feel ashamed to practice speaking about yourself. The more natural you are able to speak about yourself the more you will engage people. Energy draws people in and energy is a by-product of being comfortable with who you are.

Allison Kapner headshotAllison Kapner is a Relationship Manager in Career Services at the Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School where she is responsible for building partnerships with employers to ultimately create job and internship opportunities for students and alumni. She also advises and coaches students on job search techniques and brings a unique corporate expertise to assist candidates, as her past experience was as an Executive Recruiter in financial services in New York City.

How Are Dating and Interviewing the Same? Part 2

April 26th, 2010 ::

by Allison Kapner

What's in Your Bag? Know the Company. Know Yourself. http://www.flickr.com/photos/joi/ / CC BY 2.0

How are dating and interviewing the same? Let’s examine Step 3: Prepping for the interview or date, otherwise known as: Doing Your Research!

Research, research, research!!
I cannot stress this enough: Before any interview, do your homework. (I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but it still bears repeating. You can’t imagine how many people ignore this advice.)

Know the company inside and out. Look at their press releases. Read their annual reports. Find out who works there. (You can use a little thing called social media/social networking to do this.)

Why is this so important? There are hundreds of applicants for every job, and you have to prove that you did your homework on the company and the position if you want to make it to round two.

Be able to answer the question: Why do you want to work at XYZ Company? If you give a generic answer to this question, you’re done. Focusing on the culture shows that you understand the type of people that work there and that you believe you would be a good fit. As someone who interviews candidates for our team, if someone doesn’t tell me something unique about Carey Business School, and instead says “I want to work here because it’s Johns Hopkins,” they are automatically disqualified in my eyes.

Using LinkedIn and Google can also help you lean about the people with whom you are interviewing. For all you know, you can might share an alma mater with the hiring manager… but you’ll never know that unless you look.

So how does research play into dating?
Well, let’s be honest. In dating, research can be a bit stickier. But if you’re anxious to get a head’s up on the person before you go on a date there is always Google, Facebook and LinkedIn. You’d be lying if you said you never Google-stalked someone before going out or hanging out with them. Here’s a hint for you: Make sure to clear your internet browser history when you’re done, because if things go well, this new special someone may be on your computer before you know it and see you’ve been doing your “research.” (Trust me I learned this the hard way!)

Know yourself
In an earlier post knowing your brand and who you are is stressed. This is 100% true!

Before going on an interview, understand who you are as a person, what you want, what your strengths and weaknesses are and what value proposition you provide to a company. For example, are you someone that will bring energy and enthusiasm to a job? If so, how do you articulate that? It’s not enough to just say you bring energy and enthusiasm. You have to show how. With concrete examples, preferably.

Likewise for dating, know what your goals and objectives are and the type of person with which you could see yourself. (I’m not advising to pick out the person down to their eye color but know what your “must haves” and “can’t stands” are.) Why is this so important? Everyone is in their own unique place in life. Knowing what you are looking for will be a great compass in pointing you in the direction of someone who is looking for the same things, meaning (hopefully) less disappointment.

If you’re unclear of what I mean by this, I’ll give you a personal example. When I was living in NYC and accepted the job offer to come to JHU, I wasn’t going to be leaving New York for a few months. I didn’t actively seek out dates during this time. I had dated someone long distance for a year and didn’t want to get back into that situation again. However, if I met someone cool, I also wasn’t about to turn down dinner! Instead, I would enjoy the time with the person while knowing in my head – and heart – that I wasn’t about to jump into a relationship. On the flip side, now that I’m here and settled, my expectations have shifted and a relationship is the goal.

Bottom line, research yourself and the players and you’ll be successful!

Allison Kapner headshotAllison Kapner is a Relationship Manager in Career Services at the Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School where she is responsible for building partnerships with employers to ultimately create job and internship opportunities for students and alumni. She also advises and coaches students on job search techniques and brings a unique corporate expertise to assist candidates, as her past experience was as an Executive Recruiter in financial services in New York City.

Outsmarting your competition is easier than you think (but it does require some effort)

April 22nd, 2010 ::

By Jennifer Nycz-Conner

http://www.flickr.com/photos/pshan427/ / CC BY 2.0

I’ve been out of college for … well, let’s just say longer than I’d like to admit. Plenty has changed since then. Today’s twenty-somethings don’t have to battle the eternal questions surrounding the job application process: how many pages a resume should be, sending it flat versus folded in a regular envelope, to use a staple or paper clip.

But there are still plenty, less tangible, attributes that remain constant. A big one? How to make yourself stand out from the masses. In a good way.

With many years as someone who’s both been hired and done the hiring, I’ll let you in on a secret: It’s not really that hard to do. It will require some effort, however.

Steve Buttry has a fantastic example of this on his blog. As the Director of Community Engagement for Allbritton Communications’ new Washington, D.C. yet-to-be-named Web site, Buttry is on what in this economy could be referred to as a hiring spree, with plenty of qualified candidates from which to choose. But in his latest hiring announcement for a social media producer, candidate Mandy Jenkins popped to the top of the pile:

“Other excellent candidates interviewed before Mandy, though, and I thought of this as a crowded field when she arrived for an interview. I saw good signs even before she reached the office. She checked in from the Metro station nearby about 20 minutes before the interview, then from a nearby coffee shop. When I commented on that as I met her in the lobby of our offices, she told me she was using the beta of check.in, a new service that checks you in on multiple location-based platforms at once. There’s a good interviewing tip for you: If you’re applying for a social media job, start the interview right by telling the prospective boss even before you sit down that you’re using something he’s never heard of.”

That is a classic example of doing your homework, getting into your potential boss’ head and finding a way to use actions, not words to demonstrate why you are the right choice.

Here are some tips to make yourself stand out throughout the entire life cycle of the application process. It sounds like common sense, but many people do not do any of these, let alone all:

  • Spelling. Yes, this is basic, but you’d be amazed how many people don’t check their spelling. Want to show, not just say, you’re detail oriented? Spell your potential boss’ name correctly.
  • Do your homework. There is no excuse not to have done research on a potential employer today. It’s too easy not to. Don’t stop at the first two Google links you see. Go on LinkedIn and see where that hiring manager has worked previously. Check the news sites to find out what the company, and more importantly, its competitors, have been grappling with. Looking through social networking sites to find people you may know in common, or people that have worked at that company in the past. Ask them for guidance on what life is like inside the company. All of this is critical to prepare for the dreaded, “So, do you have any questions for me?” question. Which brings me to the next point…
  • Have a topic — or topics — ready for the dreaded, “So, do you have any questions for me?” question. You know it’s coming. Prepare for it. Better yet, use it as an opportunity to show what you know about the industry, your critical thinking skills, and your ability to add something to the team.
  • Think like your potential boss. If you were him or her, what kinds of questions would you ask? What kinds of answers would you want to hear?
  • Outthink your competition. What are your best competitors likely to do? How can you do it better, faster, different?
  • Follow up. Send the thank you note, and quickly (yes, it matters, says the girl who cringes at the thoughts of the ones I should have sent). Stay in touch, about the job, about the company and particularly with the person.
  • Be passionate. Anyone can have experience, or be shown how to do a job. Enthusiasm and passion cannot be taught. If you have it, show it.

Jennifer Nycz-Conner is a Senior Staff Reporter and Media Strategy Manager for the Washington Business Journal. You can read more great advice from Jennifer on Working the Room, her blog for the Washington Business Journal.

How Are Dating and Interviewing the Same?

April 5th, 2010 ::

by Allison Kapner

woman with cell phone

http://www.flickr.com/photos/leonardlow/ / CC BY 2.0

So, now that last week we had our “commercial interruption” last week, let’s get back to the main story. We’re moving from dating and the job hunt process to dating and interviewing. So let’s examine Step 2: the first phone call – setting up the “appointment.”

So, you met someone. Maybe it’s a company that FINALLY called you about that job you’d drying to get. Or it’s that person you really wanted to date. Congratulations! So now what?

Rule number 1: Expect the first encounter to be awkward. Why? Just because! Here you are speaking to someone, not quite sure what they will sound like, their level of energy, their real interest, or who it is that controls the conversation (i.e., who has the upper hand, or who wants who more). Losing the body language aspect can be detrimental if you are not aware of how you should carry yourself… even over the phone.

Rule number 2: Learn to be ok with silence. There may be an awkward silence on the phone. That’s fine. The other person could be taking notes, or distracted by an important email that just arrived in their inbox. Be ok with silence. You don’t have to fill it. In fact, filling it could be detrimental to your prospects, be they professional or personal.

So how do you implement the rules above? Here are a few tips:

  • If you hear from an employer, assume they will control the flow of the conversation and that they have the upper hand. Because chances are, they’re interviewing more than just you.
  • Be energetic and sound excited without going overboard.
  • Make sure you choose a quiet location.
  • Don’t be too long-winded. (There is a good chance this person has 10 other phone calls exactly the same to make after yours.)
  • Make sure you have your calendar ready to go should they ask for a second interview. And if they do, be flexible.
  • If you are asked to come in for an interview, ask for the names and titles of the people you will be meeting or speaking with and don’t hesitate to ask for correct spelling so you can later stalk those people online… I mean, do your research.

Another piece of advice, if you are applying to jobs and get unknown numbers calling your cell, answer it professionally, I had a student pick up the phone saying “yeah…” the other day and I could have been an employer. If you’re not in a good place to pick it up, let it go to voicemail. That’s why it exists.

A lot of these same rules apply to dating: Keep it simple. Again, sound energetic. (No one wants to date a fuddy-duddy.) There may be a power struggle about who keeps lead of the conversation, but do your thing and politely say you were in the middle of something if you’re antsy to get off. Anxiety vanished and date set up. Easy, right?

Also, although it sounds silly, smile on the phone. It will show through. (This is actually a tip for dating and interviewing.)

A side note: A lot of logistics – both for interviewing and dating – are now set up over email, which because of its impersonal nature, is not as difficult, but is just as tricky.

If an employer reaches out via email to you, mimic their tone in your response. Also, keep your response short and to the point. The point of the email is to set up a time and place, not to tell them your life story. My favorite line from my public relations classes: Keep it simple, stupid.

If a date emails you, again, I would mimic the tone. Again, I would recommend keeping things short. (You don’t want to tell them everything in email. If you do, what will you talk about on the date?)

And if you’re concerned about tone, in either case, have a friend proofread the email for you before you send it.

Overview: Do whatever it is you are most comfortable with, but be aware that tone and other nuances easily get lost in translation via email and the phone. If you are cognizant of this going into it, you will be more successful at making the process as simple and painless as possible.

One last thing, do not begin with text messaging in either case.

Allison Kapner headshotAllison Kapner is a Relationship Manager in Career Services at the Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School where she is responsible for building partnerships with employers to ultimately create job and internship opportunities for students and alumni. She also advises and coaches students on job search techniques and brings a unique corporate expertise to assist candidates, as her past experience was as an Executive Recruiter in financial services in New York City.

You Have Questions… We Have Answers!

March 17th, 2010 ::

by Robin Ferrier

Question mark made of puzzle pieces

http://www.flickr.com/photos/horiavarlan/ / CC BY 2.0

I’ve said it before — in my “welcome” post and on our “about us” page — but I think it bears repeating: This blog is about you.

Why is this important? Because sure, we’re all experts at some level and can write about what we think you need to know. But you’re the ones out there every day living in this world of job searching, interviewing, etc.

So I want to encourage you to send us your questions. What do you want to know about this process? An etiquette question? Resume troubles? Cover letter confusion? No question too small!

So let us know. Email me your question and the appropriate blogger — or bloggers — will post your question (without your name) and a response. I promise!

Robin Ferrier is the editor of What’s Next, Gen Y? and Communications Manager for the Johns Hopkins University Montgomery County Campus. She is also the President of the Capital Communicators Group and the co-chair of the Marketing Committee for the Tech Council of Maryland. She has inadvertently become a frequent career / professional / job hunt resource for friends and colleagues due to a career path that has included five jobs in 12 years.