Get instant online credibility with a website seal.
Assure visitors by displaying nsProtect™ Assure
website seal.
Prove your business identity has been verified by a trusted name.
$50,000 Guarantee helps customers transact with confidence.
nsProtect Assured
Verified Website Seal
Business Verification
with a 3 year term

Why nsProtect Assured?

  • Adds credibility to your website
  • Proves that you are a legitimate website which passed our business verification requirements.
  • One click on the Site Seal shows your business credentials to your visitors
  • Helps to improve website activity by increasing visitor trust and confidence

A Website Seal Offers Instant Credibility

A website seal is a necessity for any business that wishes to be competitive online. A verified seal is given to a website only after it passes a complete business verification process, and serves as visual proof of legitimacy for all site visitors.

Verified seals show customers that extra steps have been taken to make them more comfortable, which reflects well on the website - and on the business as a whole. Website seals can lead to big rewards in the form of customer confidence and increased website traffic.

Site seals do not include the data encryption service of an SSL Certificate, which is important for businesses exchanging sensitive information via online transactions.

When you purchase an nsProtect™ Assured website seal from Network Solutions®, you'll need to provide specific information which we will verify to prove you are a legitimate business. Once we have received all necessary documentation for our validation process, we will issue your seal within 2-4 days. Each site seal applies to a single domain.

Network Solutions® verified seals include a wide array of benefits for businesses that do not sell online, including:

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