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Marketing to Millennials? It’s All About Attitude
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What’s the best way to reach Millennial customers? First keep in mind they aren’t one big mass market–their age range spans from college to parenthood. As a result, says a new Fizziology and Horizon Media study reported by, successful marketers must pay close attention to their Millennial customers’ attitude and outlook in order to tailor the perfect marketing message.

The study breaks Millennials into four different segments:

1. Confident Connected: Accounting for 32 percent of Millennials, this group is the most upwardly mobile and the most desirable for marketers. Hard working and happy with their standard of living, they typically engage with brands in positive ways, such as by sharing information, positive or inspirational memes, and promotions. They’re looking to help others and are widely active on social media. Health and wellness, sporting goods, consumer electronics and home goods are key areas of opportunity for this upwardly mobile group.

To reach them:

  • Be Additive – Confident Connecteds curate brands and experiences as a way of adding value to their lives. Bring something of value if you want them to engage with and share your content.
  • Build Your Reputation – Confident Connecteds are educated consumers who do a lot of online research, so be sure your brand’s ratings, reviews and overall social word-of-mouth is strong.

2. Indie Dreamers: 25 percent of Millennials fall into this category, which has a more individualistic, creative attitude than Confident Connecteds. Indie Dreamers like to share your brand, but only if it’s “cool” and reflects well on them. Marketing with a sardonic sense of humor can resonate with this group, but beware: They’re likely to share both positive and negative experiences, which means your brand can be in for a negative review or outright mockery if isn’t cool enough. Financial services, home goods and food and beverages are key opportunity areas for this group.

To reach them:

  • Be Quirky and Unique – Indie Dreamers want to stand out from the crowd and seek brands that highlight their individuality and creativity.
  • Be Valuable to Their Life Pursuit – Indie Dreamers want information, connections and experiences that benefit their personal goals and identities.

3. Youthful Pursuits: Accounting for 18 percent of Millennials, this group is conflicted. Like teenagers, they’re self-centered and waver between overconfidence and self-deprecation. They use social media to create drama, complain and be negative. While this may seem like a scary customer to target, Youthful Pursuits can be the perfect group if you’ve got a trendy, new product. If your product can help them project the right image, they’ll embrace it—but because this group has a strong sense of entitlement, you’d better deliver. Retail, fashion, beauty, concerts and nightlife are hot  opportunities with this group.

To reach them:

  • Start Launch Here:  This group buys on impulse and is eager to stay trendy. They want to show off their purchases so they’re good at spreading the word.
  • Stay Aspirational and On Your Toes: Youthful Pursuits get bored quickly, so it’s essential to constantly evolve and redefine your brand. Being outdated is the kiss of death.

4. Creatures of Comfort: This group, which accounts for 25 percent of Millennials, are digital “couch potatoes.” They’re the least valuable type of Millennial consumer because they tend to be unmotivated and not very upwardly mobile. They use social to share others’ content, but tend not to interact with brands very much. In fact, because they typically are happy with the familiar, they’re unlikely to try new, entrepreneurial brands at all.

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