Backbase - omni-channel customer experience.

When it comes to an Omni-channel Customer Experience Platform we have no doubt that Backbase leads the way. We’re not alone in thinking this – Ovum* regard them as a market leader and Gartner** have Backbase in their Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portals.

That’s where Backbase really shines for us – the ability to take complex, legacy systems and apply a Lean Portal to deliver a consistent, easy to manage customer experience layer across every channel that the customer engages in. Whilst it's a natural fit for retail and commercial banking, insurance, wealth management, we know that the unlimited flexibility and functionality on offer can provide a totally customer-centric online environment for any sector, so just ask us for more details.

*Ovum - No.1 telecoms research provider.
**Gartner - World's leading information technology research and advisory company.