External Relations

houses of parliament

Our Aims

The External Relations team brings the voice of the leisure marine sector to the attention of the highest levels of Government, both within the UK and the EU. By effectively highlighting the industry's role in generating investment, regeneration, tourism and export revenues, we are able to deliver the most favourable market conditions possible for our members.

In this unprecedented economic climate it has never been more important to have a strong voice in Parliament and across Whitehall Government Departments. Whether it’s organising an MP visit to a member's business, responding to a consultation or providing Parliamentary briefings, we're always making sure that those who need to know about our industry - do.

Click on any of the options below for more information:

Government Departments, Agencies & Regulatory Bodies

The main thrust of our work in External Relations is to build up a contact database right across the public sector to ensure that we can speak to the right person in order to assist members with their day-to-day business needs.

Parliamentary Briefings


On the back of the BMF’s excellent market intelligence and research work, we are called upon to provide information to MPs and Peers in advance of parliament debates or questions. As well as this, we go to the Palace of Westminster and Portcullis House to meet with MPs and brief them on the importance of the marine industry to UK plc and often issues that are affecting the marine industry in their constituency.

MP Visits

We arrange numerous constituency visits, taking MPs to meet the very people that matter most - our members. Whether it's a marina, boatyard or manufacturer in the supply chain, these visits really bring our messages to life.

If you would like to arrange for your Member of Parliament to visit your business, please contact us at: governmentrelations@britishmarine.co.uk

Parliamentary Reception

parliamentary receptionsThe annual BMF/RYA Parliamentary Reception is the perfect opportunity to bring members, politicians and key stakeholders together and raise the profile of recreational boating and the industry that supports it, as well as the small commercial marine sector. Read about last year’s successful event here.

House of Commons Dinner

This bi-annual dinner is held on the eve of the London Boat Show in the Members Dining Room at the Palace of Westminster. It provides an excellent opportunity for BMF members to entertain customers, dealers and staff in these historic surroundings. We are fortunate to have built up a good number of Parliamentarians who gladly sponsor this dinner, thus ensuring we can continue to host this very enjoyable event.

Boat Shows

Boat Shows These two world class shows provide the BMF with a fantastic opportunity to showcase our industry to Government, politicians and other key stakeholders. We conduct Ministerial visits and in recent years have welcomed the Secretary of State for Transport and the Minister for Business & Enterprise (the unofficial Marine Minister). We host two Directors Lunches at both shows, putting politicians, key decision makers and eminent supporters of our industry together in a relaxed environment. The shows also play host to a range of BMF Association meetings and events, allowing members to make the most of having all their industry colleagues in one place.

Party Conferences

party conferencesEach year the BMF attends the Conservative and Labour Party Conferences as a member of the Boating Alliance, which comprises the BMF, the RYA and the BCU. The Party Conferences are an excellent opportunity to grab five minutes with a host of influential MPs and key stakeholders and bring the key industry issues to them. There’s even a chance to gain some recognition at the conferences, and in 2012 the Boating Alliance stand won 2nd place in the Delegates’ Choice Awards at the Labour Party Conference.


european parliamentMuch of the legislation that industry has to deal with comes from Europe, so to ensure that the UK is fully represented in Europe we are a member of the European Boating Industry which brings together marine trade associations across Europe. Most recently we have been working closely with member associations on the passage of the Recreational Craft Directive through its various stages.

Consultation Responses

Consultations provide industry with the opportunity to feed its views and evidence direct to forthcoming pieces of legislation. This is a vital piece of work to ensure that future regulations meet the needs of industry and do not overly burden it.


The BMF reviews and responds to between 25 and 30 consultations every year on a wide range of issues which affect the length and breadth of our membership. We are almost completely reliant on members’ expertise and input, to ensure that we provide a robust and evidence based response to consultations. We regularly put calls out in Latest News and through BMF Group and Regional Associations, and we urge as many members as possible to respond to these so that we continue to make strong responses in support of your business.


Select Committees

select commitees These Parliamentary committees hold Government and public bodies to account and we regularly interact with them, be it via a written submission to an Inquiry or appearing in front of the committee to give evidence. Recently we have appeared in front of the Transport Committee during their Inquiry into MARPOL Annex VI and the Environment Committee during their scrutiny of the switch of England and Wales’ waterways from British Waterways to the Canal and River Trust.

All Party Parliamentary Groups

all party parliamentary groupsThese groups operate across parliament, bringing MPs and Peers together from all sides of the House, to discuss areas of mutual interest. The BMF provides secretariat services to the All Party Parliamentary Sailing & Marine Leisure Group, which is chaired by Sir Peter Bottomley MP. This group’s purpose is “to promote and maintain parliamentary knowledge and partnership with sailing, boating, canoeing and marine leisure interests”. There is a vast array of these groups, with quite a few representing areas relevant to our industry, and we look to engage with them whenever we can.

Marine Industry Leadership Council & UK Marine Industries Alliance (UK MIA)

marine industry representationThe BMF is a key player in both these initiatives. The Leadership Council, which is co-chaired by the Minister for Business & Enterprise, brings Government and Industry together with an aim of developing and delivering strategies that will benefit industry. The UK Marine Industries Alliance brings together the leisure, naval, commercial and offshore renewable sectors to create a unified voice to Government on issues that affect the entire maritime sector. It also operates as a fantastic networking opportunity between these four sectors.

Cross-Industry Stakeholder Groups

The BMF is a member of a number of associations to ensure that we are able to represent our members on as many issues as possible, especially those which are non-marine specific. The BMF is a member of the following associations:

·         Confederation of British Industries

·         Federation of Small Businesses

·         Sea User Development Group

·         Tourism Alliance

What our members say about this service...

Watch the video below to find out about the British Marine Federation and what it does on behalf of its members and the industry.



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News Update

BMF Midlands test their polo skills More Information

Get qualified in Marine Electrics and Electronics in October More Information

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