  • Comments • 21

    Garrett Monson
    what kind of ucking cowards disable comments on their videos? also i will never refer to a tranny by anything other than IT. P.S. oregon please sink into a hole
    80spodcastchannel ( : FACEBOOK DUDEJERKY ☆☆☆☆☆
    1.do you still have a dick? 2.were you a dick lover first? 3.how's it feel to live a lie? 4.do you like the taste of semen better now that you can't make your own? 5.are you a woman with fake tits and a dick made into a frankenstein vagina? 6.do you honestly think people your couragious, trying to be chick in a mans body? 7.when you fart, do you try to hide it like chicks do? 8. who showed you how to walk like a girl? 9. do you try tampons and see how they fit for fun and grins? 10. when you have sex, are you afraid your not deep enough?
    Does the Oregonian ever actually report on important headline news issues? Or is basket ball classed as important headline news in Oregon?
    Mundo Salvaje
    Love your vidz!!
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    "BLMOREGON"Gematrea.......715 subscribers 324,971 views Joined Oct 27, 2009...(715324971272009)...(7,1532,4971,2720,09)..................7-1532-4971-2720-9 Divine Justice Gematrea..................(blueletterbible)..................(H7)-a-vad-"I.to perish, vanish('BLM') A.(P'al) shall perish B.(Aphel) destroy C.(Hophal) be destroyed"(APHEL to slay)" (Dan 7:26)But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.......(G1532)-ās-tre-khō-"I.to run in(to run through)".......(H1532)-gal-läv-"I.barber(to crop)" (Eze 5:1)And thou, son of man, take thee a sharp knife, take thee a barber's razor, and cause it to pass upon thine head and upon thy beard: then take thee balances to weigh, and divide the hair.......(G4971)-sfo-drōs-"I.exceedingly".......(H4971)-math-kō-neth-"I.measurement, proportion, tale A.tale, tally (of 'BLM') B.measurement, proportion".......(G2720)-kä-tyü-thü-nō-"I.to make straight, guide, direct A.of the removal of the hindrances to coming to one('BLM' gunmen, rustlers theives and arsonists)".......(H2720)-khä-rāv-"I.waste, desolate, dry(layed waste, destroyed)".......(G9)--ä-bē-lā-nā--"grassy meadow"..................Amen Warrior Saint Thomas333 & Warrior Angel Rosie/Warrior Angels of ONE"Yahweh"
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    "DefendYourBase"Gematrea.......7,251 subscribers.......(7251).......(725,1)..................725-1 Divine  Gematrea..................(blueletterbible)..................(G725)-här-päg-mos-"I.the act of seizing, robbery(MASSIVE NATIONAL MONUMENT LANDGRABS, American land illegally stolen by 'government' interests groups) II.a thing seized or to be seized A.booty to deem anything a prize(Malheur National Refuge AKA Oregon headquarters of 'BLM' gunmen) B.a thing to be seized upon or to be held fast, retained("Oregon Resource Center")" (Phl 2:6)Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.......(G1)--äl-fä-"Christ is the Alpha to indicate that he is the beginning and the end" (Rev 1:8)I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty..................Saint Thomas333 & Angel Rosie
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    Len Hummel
    IMPORTANT: COOLER HEADS NEED TO PREVAIL. ========================================== Please do NOT over-react until all the facts are in. - and then: when the FACTS and testimony is clear: still, - do NOT over-react. violence begets more violence and bloodshed. Demand Justice and stand up for Constitutional Principles, ... but do NOT go berserk over this. FIRST: get your facts straight as much as humanly possible. The people arrested {the eye-witnesses} need to be interviewed: SOON. ASAP.
    J W
    +Len Hummel Those that make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    TO THE 'Nevada Attorney General's Office' FUCKERS.......Warrior Angels of Yahweh the following people and their subordinates and their commanders are "GUILTY" of injustice in  AMERICAN LANDGRAB 'government' SCHEME in Oregon and elsewhere and their sentence is "DEATH" to all who contributed from this 'justice department fiasco' to steal more property and subdue American protests against illegal actions this evil 'government' commits "Process" these individuals for their actions U.S. Attorney Daniel G. Bogden for the District of Nevada, Special Agent in Charge Laura Bucheit for the FBI in Nevada, and Bureau of Land Management Director Neil Kornze who made the announcement of FABRICATED CHARGES  I Command this in Yahweh's Name..................a-na-the-o-re-o..................iv-kha..................har-a-ga..................Amen Warrior Saint Thomas333 & Warrior Angel Rosie/Warrior Angels of ONE"Yahweh"
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    Oregon officials want MURDEROUS 'government' authority to wander at will and protect their identity to show no record to the public which will encourage more trigger pulling gunmen with a badge or 'FBI' agents or mercenary hires as in the LaVoy Finicum MURDER and posse' TRAP TO EXTERMINATE.......BILL #4087 is being passed by the same people that demanded 'Obama' do something about people who protest.......police become MAFIA HITMEN
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    An Oregon BILL #4087 being pushed by officials to protect all authority from identifying them if they shoot anyone like the LaVoy Finicum MURDER which will make Oregon officials complicit in this MURDER of LaVoy Finicum and they should be RECALLED and fired for being CRIMINAL MINDED...THIS BILL IS MURDEROUS.................."BILL 4087"Gematrea.......(4087)..................4087 Divine Gematrea..................(blueletterbible)..................(G4087)-pē-krī-nō-"I.to make bitter A.to produce a bitter taste in the stomach II.to embitter. exasperate A.render angry, indignant B.to be embittered, irritated C.to visit with bitterness, to grieve (deal bitterly with)"
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    The seeds of WAR has been sowed Warrior Angels of Yahweh 'Hillory Clinton & Co' I Command this in Yahweh's Name "OFF WITH THEIR FUCKING HEADS"..................iv-kha..................har-a-ga..................Amen Warrior Saint Thomas333 & Warrior Angel Rosie/Warrior Angels of ONE"Yahweh"
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    FBI MURDERERS AT WORK.......Oregon state police blocking US 395 from opposite direction...he replied "ROAD CLOSED CRIME SCENE AHEAD"(state patrol wearing hardware.../watch?v=CYqsZeL5oFQ)... he certainly was correct but it was an 'FBI' AMBUSH still in operation....let's see...LaVoy probably has his driver license and proof of insurance and is driving to a known meeting in the next town...so what crime would that be....YES I BELIEVE THIS OFFICER IS CORRECT but he is aiding the crime scene of a chase from behind...but LaVoy STOPPED and they did not approach the vehicle...I WOULD SAY THE 'SPECIAL' AGENT IN CHARGE WOULD HAVE SAID "DO NOT APPROACH THE VEHICLE" "THE BLOCKADE AHEAD IS IN PLACE"..."PROVOKE THEM TO DRIVE"... warning shots and they were off...'NOW THE CAT AND MOUSE OPERATION OF DEATH IS ON'...a POSSE' of GUNMEN with SNIPERS ON BOTH SIDES TOOK OUT THEIR MAIN TARGET Robert LaVoy Finicum.......LaVoy knew what he saw ahead was a setup and as soon as the vehicle stopped he removed himself from the vehicle to protect the occupants which surprised the GUNMENS PLAN OF VEHICLE OBLITERATION.......LaVoy clearly had his hands up to make it clear that he was not resisting........BUT THEIR 'ORDER' WAS TO KILL HIM.........the first shot made him reach to the 'first wound of pain and surprise' (was it a silencer, the sound on video ommited) and the rest of the GUNMEN joined in and opened fire additionally with a shotgun to the back to make sure (an executioner, 'FBI').......he would not have reached for a gun for that would Jeopardies the occupants of the vehicle.......the GUNMEN HAD THEIR ORDERS AND BEGAN BOMBARDING A SILENT VEHICLE.......WITH ALL WEAPONS BLAZEING and no return fire they eventually stopped while still having laser sights on LaVoys body.......THIS WAS A CRIME SCENE FOR SURE.......they failed to complete their orders but LaVoy was a certainty..................Saint Thomas333 & Angel Rosie
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    "whitehouse"Gematrea.......666,441 subscribers..................666-441 Divine Gematrea..................(blueletterbible)..................(666) "ALAH I AM SATAN".......(G441) "studying to please man (elite at the top), courting the favour of men (U.S. Conference of Mayors, to bend their ears,  'Agenda 21('strong cities' = slavery)')"..................Saint Thomas333 & Angel Rosie
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    A CALL TO ACTION>>>WE KNOW THE 'elite' ENEMY>>>A CALL TO ACTION.................."THERE WILL BE NO MORE ASSEMBLIES" "NO MORE TALKING TO DECIEVING 'FBI' NEGOTIATORS OR SHERIFFS" "WE ALL BECOME ASSASSINS"  and "WILL" "STRIKE" against the 'ELITES' continuously anytime DAY OR NIGHT until they are "ALL DEAD" with "NO MERCY GIVEN" "DEATH TO ALL ELITES"  I Command this in Yahweh's Name "OFF WITH THEIR FUCKING HEADS"..................iv-kha..................har-a-ga..................Amen Warrior Saint Thomas333 & Warrior Angel Rosie/Warrior Angels of ONE"Yahweh"
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    Angels of Yahweh we have an adversary who goes by the name of 'The Oregonian' who require a thorough "Righteous Assessment" where the evil "WILL" be plucked and "Processed" for they are supporters to an evil 'government' as seen by their coverage and questioning and must be dealt with in a "Righteous Manner" I Command this in Yahweh's Name..................a-na-the-o-re-o..................Amen Saint Thomas333 & Angel Rosie.................."The Oregonian"Gematrea.......4,413 subscribers 16,356,224 views Joined Oct 30, 2006...(441316356224302006)...(4413,1635,622,4302,006)..................4413-1635-622-4302-6 Divine Justice Gematrea..................(blueletterbible)..................(G4413)-prō-tos -""I.first in time or place A.in any succession of things or persons II.influence B.chief C.principal III.first, at the first"(see in it's place)" (Jhn 5:4)For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.......(H4413)-mal-lō-thē-""I have uttered"(I have made clear to you that Righteousness "WILL" come down upon the wicked, and yet you ignore and support the wicked opposition which is clear to me to see)".......(G1635)-he-kōn-"I.unforced, voluntary, willing(to undermine Righteousness) II.of one's own will III.of one's own accord".......(G622)--ä-pol-lü-mē-"I.to destroy A.to put out of the way entirely, abolish(by one's conduct to cause another to lose eternal salvation) B.render useless('The Oregonian')".......(H4302)--mat-tä-"I.place or act of planting, planting, plantation A.planting place B.act of planting C.plantation".......(H6)--ä-vad--"I.perish, vanish, go astray, be destroyed A.(Qal) i.perish, die, be exterminated ii.perish, vanish B.(Piel) i.to destroy, kill, cause to perish, exterminate ii.to blot out, do away with, cause to vanish C.(Hiphil) i.to destroy a.of divine judgment"
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    "HALL of JUSTICE" is not a building but "WILL" materialize in the "BATTLE of BURNS" when someone comes forth when their calling is recognized "because thou hast heard the voice of the trumpet, O my soul"..................a-na-the-o-re-o..................Amen Saint Thomas333 & Angel Rosie
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    PRESS: 'Top comments' and SELECT: "Newest first" to see more messages for 'google' hides them for they are EVIL FUCKERS much like the 'government' who also are EVIL FUCKERS whom I shall KILL for "I AM THE SWORD" and I "WILL" not neglect the 'government supporters' for I am judge jury and "EXECUTIONER"..................Warrior Saint Thomas333 & Warrior Angel Rosie/Warrior Angels of ONE"Yahweh"
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    When it comes to 'government transparency' it is common for information to come in the form of a BLACK FELT BLACKOUT or a SHREDDING OCCURS, they said they were shredding in case the people took over the 'BLM' office, does that mean they are unrighteous? I know that when a military command center is being over run by a "foreign enemy" that is WHAT THEY DO...does that mean WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE ENEMY...something to think about...no evidence means they can say "YOU can't PROVE THAT" which is also something to think about.......it is a battle of wits and PSYOPS
    Crankwhistle SaintThomas
    "The Oregonian"Gematrea.......4,322 subscribers 16,261,674 views Joined Oct 30, 2006...(432216261674302006)...(43,221,626,16,743,02006)..................43-221-626-16-743-2006 Divine Gematrea................(blueletterbible)..................(G43)--än-kä-lā-"I.the curve or inner angle of the arm, the bent arm(those who have witnessed or felt the blows) II.anything closely enfolding, as the arms of the sea(the initial Righteous spearhead unfolds a RIGHTEOUS STANCE that is "CONSTITUTIONALLY FRIENDLY IN NATURE" )" (Luk 2:28)Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said.......(H43)--ev-yä-säf-""my father has gathered"("father of gathering", who is also called)".......(H221)--ü-rē-""fiery"('government' framers to profit in the name of 'public lands' that they lock up and section repeatedly, to deem off limits to Americans, and to obtain more)".......(G626)-ä-po-lo-ge-o-mī-"I.to defend one's self, make one's defence II.to defend a person or a thing III.to give a full account of A.to calculate or consider well(that the 'FBI' are in full PSYOP MODE as that is their specialty and a 'government' that says nothing and for good reason "THE CONSTITUTION MONOLITH", to speak so as to absolve, concerning a thing before one's tribunal, is being avoided with an 'FBI' wall)" (Rom 2:15)Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another (2Co 12:19)Again, think ye that we excuse ourselves unto you? we speak before God in Christ: but we do all things, dearly beloved, for your edifying.......(H626)--as-ā-fä-""I.a collecting, gathering"(of truths, while the enemy plots and schemes with a captured audience that BURNS)".......(G16)--ä-gä-tho-poi-ē-ä-""I.a course of right action, well doing, virtue"(steady as she righteously goes, unlike 'government FBI wall' of concocted drama)" (1Pe 4:19)Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.......(G743)-är-khän-ge-los-"I.archangel, or chief of the angels(Angel Rosie)".......(H743)--ar-ē-dä-thä-""the lion of the decree" A.a son of Haman(Warrior Saint Thomas333)".......(G2006)-e-pē-tā-dā-os-"I.fit, suitable, convenient, advantageous II.needful, esp. of the necessities of life" (Jas 2:16)And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?.......(H2006)-hān-"I.behold, if, whether"(when doubled, crossed, how many treaties have they broken and death follows)"
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