Universal Wish List
View your Wish List
Get the Amazon Add to Wish List Button
Use it to add items from any website to your Amazon Wish Lists.
At this time, the Universal Wish List Button is designed to work with the Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari web browsers. It may not work as intended with the browser you are viewing this page with. However, you may want to try installing the button with the Firefox directions below.
Add to Wish List

Just drag this button to the bookmarks Toolbar in your web browser.

Don't worry if you see a can't move symbol as you move it across your screen.
Add to Wish List
Don't see the bookmarks toolbar in your web browser?
Select View > Toolbars > Bookmarks Toolbar in your web browser menu to see it.

Did you drag the button up there?
Now click the button you just dragged to make sure everything worked.

Ready for the fun part?
Go to any online store. When you see something you want, click the "Add to Wish List" button in your Bookmarks Toolbar. You'll be prompted to log in, if you're not already, and--voila!--you're done.