How To Apply

In order to apply for membership, you will need to ensure that you are a registered as a new user of the website. (If you have not done so before - it is a very quick process). Then complete our online form and answer all required questions as necessary. 

Please note that you can partially complete the form and return to it at a later date once you have collected any additional details that you need. Simply log back in and return to the form to continue where you left off...

Before completing the form, don't forget that you can also do the either of the following for additional information on the benefits, services and subscription bands:

When you are accepted into membership you will also qualify for membership of your appropriate Regional and Group Associations giving you additional networking opportunities.

On receipt of your application

Once your fully completed application has been received at Marine House, we will complete a credit check, review your literature and website, and then ask our Groups and Regions for comment. Upon receipt of your application, we will also send you an invoice for £250, £50 of this is a non-refundable administration fee and £200 is a pre payment towards your membership fee. Once you have been accepted into membership you will be invoiced for the full membership fee minus the £200 pre payment you have already paid.

All members will be asked to adhere to the British Marine Federation Rules and the Code of Practice. 

The application process should be completed within 3-4 weeks.

For further information on the application process or the benefits and services available to you please email the membership department