I'm not a YouTube partner, so why am I seeing ads next to my videos?

Ads may appear next to your uploaded videos even if you haven’t monetized the videos yourself.

If your video contains content to which you don’t own all necessary rights, the rights holder may have identified his/her content in your video and chosen to place ads on it. Ads may be displayed on your videos if they contain soundtracks from the AudioSwap library or if the content in your video has been identified by Content ID

Become a partner and earn revenue from advertising.

We're also expanding the Partner Program in many countries, allowing more creators to monetize their own content with ads. To become a partner and enable your channel for monetization, please follow the instructions here.

Ads are not appropriate for my videos. Disable advertising.
If you believe ads are inappropriate for your videos, you can opt out of displaying ads:

  1. Sign into your account and go to the Settings page.
  2. Click the "Overview" tab.
  3. Under the heading "Advertisements," select the "Do not allow advertisements" radio button and click "Save Changes."