Royal presentation for Thames Valley and London volunteers 

Thames Valley and London sailors joined dedicated volunteers from across the UK to have their endeavours recognised by Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal at the annual RYA Volunteer Awards in London on 21 November.

The region provided 9 of the 47 winners nationally honoured for their exceptional generosity and dedication to boating at the awards ceremony and exclusive luncheon held at One Great George Street, Westminster.   

There's a video of the day here watch

Lifetime Commitment Awards were awarded to:   

  • Liz Hall, Welsh Harp SC 
  • Graham Howlett, Frensham Pond SC 
  • Paul Stainsby, Queen Mary SC    

Outstanding Contribution Awards went to:   

  • Roger Bennett, Silver Wing SC 
  • Andrew Craig, Queen Mary SC 
  • David Harris, The Gwennili Trust 
  • Ros Lamb, Littleton Phabsail 
  • Suki Pountney, from Leatherhead who sails with Sea View YC, IoW.    

Finally Callum Mitchell of Oxford SC received a Youth Award.   

All the winners received glowing recommendations in the nominations from their clubs, for example Welsh Harp SC said of Liz Hall: “Liz’s boundless energy and willingness to help organise and take an active lead has been pivotal in her influence within both WHSC and the GP14 Class Association over 20 years.”   

There were glowing reports of the awards ceremony, Graham Howlett summing it up with these words: “It was a great day which my wife and I enjoyed hugely. It was a fantastic building to be in, the organisation was impeccable, and the meal delicious. That the RYA really does care about the people, as it were, on the shop floor could not be more apparent.”   

Andrew Craig commented: “It was a great day from start to finish. The location was impressive, HRH the Princess Royal was knowledgeable and had an appreciative word for everyone.  The meal was excellent and the company interesting and congenial.  I enjoyed it very much.”   

Liz Hall added: It was a lovely occasion – friendly and informal with a good lunch and good company in splendid surroundings. Princess Anne set the tone for the whole event in perfect style."

RYA Sport Development Manager Duncan Truswell explained: “The RYA Volunteer Awards are all about celebrating the commitment of the countless volunteers who do fantastic work to support our sport. These people are the lifeblood of our sport, they keep our sailing clubs, events and our organisations thriving and make it possible for others to get out on the water.”   

“This event was about saying thank you to every one of these inspirational volunteers for their sheer hard work and commitment not only on behalf of the RYA but also on behalf of the people they help to get afloat week in week out.”    

Nominations for the 2015 RYA Volunteer Awards will be invited from January. For more information about the awards click here RYAVolunteerAwards.aspx

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Article Published: November 27, 2014 17:23

Article Updated: November 28, 2014 9:20


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