
Democracy at work

The BMF is a democratic organisation. It has a 50+ strong full-time executive staff which works within the policies and business strategy set by the Council of Members, (BMF Council).

New structure

The BMF introduced a new structure in December 2008 which puts all of the BMF services under a three tier structure, comprising of:

  • Business Development                
  • Member Support
  • External Relations

See BMF Organisation Structure


BMF Council

The Council is largely elected from the BMF’s Group and Regional Associations and the Service committees.

Council Member Number of Votes
President One
Treasurer One
Two Vice-Presidents One each
Chairman of National Boat Shows One
The two immediate past Presidents One each
BMF Service Leaders One each
The Chairman (or nominated representative) of each
Regional and Group Association
One of every 25 full members of the Association or part thereof with a minimum of two
The Chairman (or a nominated representative) of a
Federation of Association admitted into membership
(eg. British Hire Cruiser Federation)
The Six Elected Members of Management Board, i.e

  • The two persons nominated by the BMF Regional Associations
  • The two persons nominated by the BMF Group Associations
  • The two persons nominated by the BMF service leaders
One for every person nominated who does not already have a vote, or who votes as a Service Leader or Association Chairman

Council members are statutory directors of the British Marine Federation and the Council therefore sits as the BMF’s board of directors.

Council member’s duties include:

  • Electing a Management and Boat Show Board
  • Approving budgets
  • Debating and deciding issues of national importance to the industry and instructing the Management Board to implement any decisions
  • Approval of all matters relating to BMF membership

Management Board

BMF Management Board Membership & voting rights
Group A - office bearers (6)
Vice Presidents (2)
Chairman, National Boat Shows
President, BMF Scotland
Group B - Elected Board Members (6)
Two Regional Association representatives
Two Group Association representatives
Two Service leader representatives
Group C - Staff Management Team (3)
Chief Executive
Executive Director
Managing Director, National Boat Shows
Voting Rights
In total, there are 15 members of the BMF Management Board. Each member of Management Board has one vote, with quorum of seven. The Rules of the Federation provide that on no occasion should the number of staff votes be able to outnumber the votes cast by elected members from Groups A and B. The President has an additional casting vote.

The functions of BMF Management Board
Input Functions
The Management Board
  • Collates proposals, suggestions and ideas received from Regional Associations, Group Associations and other. Board members consider these topics and provide policy advice, with alternatives, to Council
  • Prepares a BMF Strategy and Business Plan for submission to and approval by Council. The Board reviews the Strategy and Plan at least once a year with and alterations being submitted to Council for approval.
  • Supervises, collates and recommends the financial targets and budgets for all companies and activities within the BMF Group of Companies, with regular reports to Council
  • Sets out the objectives for the promotion of the industry, including all exhibition activities at home and overseas
  • Monitors and reports to Council on major international issues affecting the industry
  • Receives and approves strategy and plans in relation to Boat Shows prepared by the NBS Board, with regular reports to Council
Output Function
The Management Board
  • Has an overview of and is responsible for co-ordinating all BMF activities including Boat Shows at home and overseas
  • Has authority between Council meetings to take account of changed circumstances and authorise the re-allocation of spend between existing approved budgets by agreement with the parties responsible for those budgets - without exceeding the overall, approved budget
  • Operates a system of control to ensure that activities remain within approved budgets
  • Monitors the performance of companies and activities within the BMF Group
  • Exercises authority over the management and control of the Federation on behalf of Council
  • Integrates the Marketing Strategy for the industry and its exhibitions
  • Exercises responsibility for the overall management of the BMF premises
  • Exercises responsibility for all aspects of general staff management matters. Matters relating to individuals in the staff management team are delegated to a sub-commitee of elected Management Board members
  • Nominates to Council candidates for the offices of President and Treasurer
  • Elects by ballot the candidates for the positions of Vice President and President elect
  • Notes the Monthly Financial Reports

National Boat Shows Ltd board

Council elects six members to sit on the Boat Show Board which is tasked with developing strategy and formulating plans in relation to Boat Shows, Also on that board are:

  • NBS Chairman – elected by the board
  • NBS Executive Managing Director
  • BMF President – elected by members at the AGM
  • BMF Treasurer – elected by members at the AGM
  • BMF Chief Executive

There are currently 9 Service committees that guide the work of the departments within the BMF such as Technical and Training.

Any member of the BMF can serve on a service committee. In general members are invited to apply for a membership of a committee where their particular skills or expertise can be utilised.

Each committee elects a Chairman who sits on Council.

Group and Regional Associations

There are 31 Group and Regional Associations

Group Associations are involved in one particular sector of the industry such as Leisure Boat Builders AssociationMarine Trades AssociationBritish Marine Equipment Association.

Regional Associations encourage members across the sector to represent their geographic region such as BMF East Anglia and BMF Scotland.

The business of these associations is conducted by an executive committee, elected by its members, with an elected Chairman and an appointed Secretary.

Each association elects a Chairman who sits on Council.