We are currently making improvements to the Audible site. In an effort to enhance the accessibility experience for our customers, we have created a page to more easily navigate the new experience, available at the web address www.audible.co.uk/access.
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  • Choose an audiobook that's right for you

    Audible has more than 100,000 audiobooks available to download right now.
    From romance, thrillers, or fantasy to the classics, we have something for everyone.

  • Sign up to Audible membership or buy as one-off purchase

    Audible members save up to 70%.
    You get a book credit every month to download a great new audiobook of your choice.

  • Download in seconds

    You can listen to audiobooks on your smartphone, tablet, or mp3 player.
    Download the Audible app and carry your whole audiobook library in your pocket.

  • Exchange any audiobook you don't like

    Your audiobooks are yours to keep forever.
    It doesn't matter why you didn't like it, or whether you finished it. We want you to have a great experience, so we'll exchange any audiobook, no questions asked.

Still have some questions?

What do I get from Audible?
Audible offers audiobooks for download -- not CDs. Your books are stored in your library in the cloud, where they are yours to keep and enjoy forever.
How do I pay for my audiobooks?
You can pay by debit or credit card for both memberships and one-off purchases.
How do I listen to my audiobooks?
Once you download an audiobook, you can listen to it on your smartphone, tablet, mp3 player, or laptop.
What format do Audible audiobooks come in?
We want you to have the best listening experience we can offer, so we use our own audio format. It's compatible with most devices and audio players, and we developed it specifically for audiobooks.
Can I listen to more than one audiobook a month?
Of course! We offer a range of membership and purchase options, so you can listen to as many audiobooks as you want, whenever you want.
What happens to my credits if I don't have time to listen to a whole book every month?
Your credits roll over each month, so you can listen to your audiobooks at your own pace. If you need to take a break, you can pause your membership and restart it later.
Do I need to subscribe to Audible?
You can buy single audiobooks whenever you want, but with a subscription you'll save up to 70% on each audiobook and get access to exclusive member deals and promotions.
Can I buy Audible audiobooks as a gift for friends?
Yes, you can buy audiobooks or memberships for anyone. Visit the Audible Gift Centre here How to Give a Gift for more details