
  1. "Make the logo bigger." Really pumped about these fresh business cards from .

  2. Good times with the crew last night for a little mixer. Cheers to big things on the horizon.

  3. Just got a tour of our sexy new CMS and the almost-complete - we're so close to the finish line I can taste it.

  4. it's an honor to be retweeted by you. Really excited to work together. Huge congrats on the accolade!

  5. Retweetet von

    "The message has to be conveyed immediately, succinctly and interestingly." Nigel Parry, Photography Jury Chair

  6. Not to sound weird or anything, but I could listen to Nigel Parry's voice talk about photography all day.

  7. Enlightening lunch with portrait photog . I wish I were as cool as he makes people look.

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