The Wayback Machine -
Ascent Lookout 2014

How to ensure wellbeing in the digital workplace

Atos - How to ensure wellbeing in the digital workplace

We are experiencing the rise of the digital workplace and the business consumer, an employee for whom business activities are just one part of a wider lifestyle as the boundaries blur between our work and private lives.

The digital workplace is enabling new and effective ways of working and improving employee engagement while exploiting consumer-orientated styles and technologies. This is causing our personal and professional lives to come ever closer together in a digital mesh, and there is no doubt our wellbeing is being pulled in multiple directions too. This blurring of boundaries is increasing the need for flexibility, autonomy and trust in the workplace.

Work/life balance

For these reasons, it is a top priority for companies to adapt to the digital workplace as it not only influences employee well-being, productivity and creativity, but affects whether great talent, including Generation … Continue reading ...

Taking Back Your Privacy : Five Easy Tips to Keep Personal Data Safe Online

Atos Taking Back Your PrivacyHow much should we care about leaks of photos, or should we just accept that breaches will happen, and learn to accept it?

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To some extent, personal data leaks should simply be accepted. With the amount of data being uploaded and shared through a variety of services, it is inevitable that some information may reach an audience that it wasn’t intended for (that drunken university photo ending up on the screen of a potential employer, for example). As a general rule we should avoid ridiculing relatives or potential employees if they have been indiscrete in the past – after all, you probably did similar things when you were young, but without the trail of digital evidence!

Decades ago, we had to take photos to the chemist for developing, which acted to enforce self-censorship, until the advent … Continue reading ...

Keeping Check of Your Cloud

Atos - Keeping Check of Your CloudHow to be a Savvy Consumer in the Cloud Space

Cloud has been a rising trend over the last few years, but it is one that is understood by the few, although used by the many. A lot of people are storing personal and sensitive information on clouds without knowing they are doing it, and with no thought to security.

Sometimes cloud services are paid for, and sometimes they are “free”. If you use free services, like Flickr, Facebook, Dropbox or iTunes, you are using cloud and, if it’s free, “you are the product”. The provider recovers the cost of supplying the service by reuse of the information you provide or generate. For some, such as Google search and Gmail, that is fairly straightforward; the payment could just be that you see various advertisements, targeted via your content, and potentially … Continue reading ...

Sensors, Screens and Seamless Shopping – How Connected Living will Transform our Lives by 2020

Atos - Sensors, Screens and Seamless Shopping – How Connected Living will Transform our Lives by 2020

Connected Living describes a world in which our homes, workspaces and cities are all seamlessly connected through multiple intelligent devices that integrate video, voice, and data services to provide access and ubiquitous connectivity anytime and anywhere via a cloud. There are already over nine billion connected devices on the planet and according to Gartner, this number is set to rocket to 26 billion by 2020. Smart meters, connected cars, ovens, fridges, lights, radiators… soon everything will be connected to everything. So what do we need be aware of when it comes to connected living?

Top trends to watch out for:

  1. “Always connected” – Consumers are asking for more and more connected things: We’ll soon be using connected devices to complete all our basic tasks: turning the lights on, setting a favourite TV series to record, switching the oven
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The Atos Team Prepares for Landing: Pictures from the Rosetta Space Mission

Atos - Team Prepares for Landing Pictures from the Rosetta Space MissionThe Rosetta Space Mission is gaining ground on its target and is now orbiting within just 10 kilometres of the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet. You can catch up on the progress of the Rosetta Mission in our first post here and our interview with Atos Consultant Laurent Peret.

With less than a month until the landing (scheduled for 12th November) – Philae, the landing craft, will hopefully become the first robot to make a soft touchdown on this extraordinary comet. We spoke to Dominique Hallouard, Atos Planning Engineer for Scientific Operations, about her experiences on the project so far:

“For me, the Rosetta Mission is one of the biggest projects I’ve ever worked on and although it is exceptionally interesting work, it’s not without its challenges. When we set out so many of the factors and parameters were completely unknown: everything … Continue reading ...