What’s New
Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Programmatic But Were Too Afraid to Ask Key Takeaways from thinkLA and IAB's Programmatic Summit in Los Angeles

IAB Independent Research & Development Tech Lab An open consortium charged with producing and helping companies implement global industry technical standards and solutions

Historic Transatlantic Partnership for the Digital Ad Industry IAB US and IAB Europe join together to publish recommendations for promoting global trade and innovation as our respective governments negotiate a vital trade program

User-Generated Content Takes Spotlight at IAB Ad Lab Brands, publishers and agencies gathered at the IAB Ad Lab to present UGC case studies, offer tips on successful UGC strategies and discuss legal concerns involved

How Asset Identification Can Transform the Digital Video Supply Chain In an industry where data is ubiquitous, best practices and processes for asset identification were almost non-existent before the launch of Ad-ID

The Definitive Guide To The Digital Display Ad Supply Chain Learn the intricacies of how advertising messages are delivered to consumers in our digital advertising ecosystem as columnist Peter Minnium explains the path in detail

It's what you learn after you know it all that counts Because nothing stands still today, everything you knew about digital advertising ten years ago has to be learned all over again

Are Beacons Going to Make the Holidays Brighter? IAB's Anna Bager in ClickZ


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