Sean Parker

Sean Parker

San Francisco Bay Area

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Sean Parker's Overview


500+ connections

Sean Parker's Skills & Expertise

  1. Strategic Partnerships
  2. Entrepreneurship
  3. Digital Strategy
  4. Scalability
  5. Facebook
  6. Mergers & Acquisitions
  7. Online Advertising
  8. Product Management
  9. Cloud Computing
  10. Strategy
  11. Business Development
  12. CRM
  13. Venture Capital
  14. Mobile Devices
  15. Marketing Strategy
  16. Product Development
  17. Management
  18. Python
  19. Corporate Development
  20. Online Marketing
  21. Start-ups
  22. Software Development
  23. Executive Management
  24. Organic Chemistry
  25. User Experience
  26. Project Management
  27. Viral Marketing
  28. Social Media
  29. Leadership
  30. SaaS
  31. Ruby on Rails
  32. E-commerce
  33. Business Modeling
  34. PPC
  35. Business Strategy
  36. Web Analytics
  37. Mobile Marketing
  38. Enterprise Software
  39. Digital Marketing
  40. Music Publishing
  41. Mobile Applications
  42. Disruptive Technologies
  43. SEM
  44. Product Marketing
  45. Angel Investing
  46. Board of Directors
  47. Business Planning
  48. Time Management
  49. Marketing
  50. Music Industry

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