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Travel insurance claims

If you are unfortunate and have to make a claim, the Bishop Skinner Marine team are here to help you.

CEGA Emergency 24 Hour Service
+44 (0) 1243 621525

Please follow these simple steps to make travel insurance claim:

What to do in the case of a medical emergency

Telephone CEGA Emergency 24 Hour Service +44 (0) 1243 621525 immediately but in any event within 48 hours of any serious accident or illness abroad requiring in-patient hospitalisation, extended treatment or alteration to travel arrangements.

Have the following information available:

  • insurance policy number (shown in the Schedule)
  • the telephone number from which you are calling
  • the name and telephone number of the doctor and hospital attending the insured person. 
Failure to consult with CEGA and to act in accordance with their instructions could prejudice your claim.

For all other claims

For claims under all Sections, other than Section 5 Legal Expenses, you must give notice to the adjusters as soon as possible, or in the event of a claim under Section 2 Cancellation and Curtailment, you must give immediate notice of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim.

If possible the Schedule should be sent when notifying a claim as this will expedite prompt handling of the claim.

Accident and Health Claims Services LLP
7-8 Ducketts Wharf
South Street
Bishops Stortford
CM23 3AR

By telephone: +44 (0) 1279 713 860

In the event of a claim under Section 2 Cancellation and Curtailment, immediate notice must be given of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim.

CEGA Emergency 24 Hour Service

+44 (0) 1243 621525