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Boat insurance

Marine insurance specialists

Having the right level of boat insurance cover is crucial to enjoying your time on the water with confidence. We’ll take the time to understand your circumstances to deliver a personally tailored solution for your needs.

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With premiums that reflect your membership of the RYA, we’ll tailor your boat insurance to your exact requirements, with further discounts available for any qualifications you hold, your berthing arrangements and intended cruising waters. 

If you’re unfortunate enough to suffer a loss we’ll provide prompt, efficient and professional help, working hard to get you back on the water as quickly as possible. We’ll report the loss to the insurer for you, organise a surveyor if necessary, advise you on any steps needed to safeguard your vessel and guide you on obtaining repair or replacement estimates. You’ll also benefit from our out of hours helpline, ensuring immediate advice, and help 7 days a week all day every day.

Yacht insurance
Yacht insurance
Speedboat insurance
Motorboat insurance
Dinghy insurance
Dinghy insurance
Windsurf insurance
Windsurf insurance
Third party liability insurance
Third party liability