Boxers benefit from eye checksEIS & GSK form new research partnershipExciting opportunities to join EIS

Exciting opportunities to join EIS

There’s never been a better time to be involved in elite sport and the English Institute of Sport (EIS), UK Sport’s ‘employer of choice’ for Sport Science and Sport Medicine practitioners, currently has a number of positions within the high performance system available...


Boxers benefit from eye checksEIS & GSK form new research partnershipWalker: Sports will rise to Rio target

Walker: Sports will rise to Rio target

Team GB and Paralympics GB stand an excellent chance of making Britain the first nation to achieve more medals at an Olympic and Paralympic Games post hosting, according to EIS National Director Nigel Walker...


Boxers benefit from eye checksEIS & GSK form new research partnershipIce challenge ahead for Power2Podium hopefuls

Ice challenge ahead for Power2Podium hopefuls

The season has almost begun for Great Britain’s top winter athletes, yet for 19 Olympic hopefuls, this month will be the first time they take to the ice in a bid to prove they have what it takes to make it to the podium...




EIS provide technology insight at summit

EIS provide technology insight at summit

EIS Performance Analysts are set to provide an insight into the role of innovative technology in high performance sport as they address industry leaders at the Innovation Enterprise Sport Performance and Technology summit in Manchester today...


EIS Media Centre

EIS Media Centre

The English Institute of Sport (EIS) has representatives, sport scientists and medical experts available for media opportunities and to comment on their area of expertise.

Please visit our Media Centre for further information...



Sport Medicine

Sports and Exercise Medicine involves the medical care of injury and illness in sport. Solutions require accurate diagnoses, careful clinical examination and experience and knowledge of sport specific movement patterns.

Sport Medicine is particularly important to a performance athlete, as part of the overall multi disciplinary care team.

Physiotherapy and Soft tissue therapy

Physiotherapy and Soft Tissue Therapy, working closely with other members of the multi disciplinary team, specialise in injury prevention and the diagnosis, treatment and management of musculo-skeletal injuries.

Working alongside coaches, physiotherapy and soft tissue therapy constantly delivers the key rehabilitation requirements of elite athletes.

Strength and Conditioning

Strength and Conditioning is the physical and physiological development of athletes for elite sport performance.

The role of the S&C coach is to bridge the gap between sport science theory and applied training; coaching athletes to become faster, stronger and to build their endurance so they perform better and remain injury free.


Exercise Physiology considers how exercise alters the function and structure of the body, examining the acute responses and chronic adaptations to athletic performance in a variety of environments.

Applied physiological support provides specialist advice about the physical demands of an event and its associated training.

Performance Psychology

The mind has a key role to play in sport. What we think and how we feel will impact on any sporting performance.

Performance Psychology focuses on enhancing sport performance by helping athletes and coaches develop the mental skills to improve the way they operate within the sporting environment.

Performance Nutrition

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting the training and competition demands of any elite athlete.

Good food choices help ensure fuels needs are met to promote adaptations to training, to aid recovery in order to continue and intensify training and to ensure good health to prevent illness and injury.


Biomechanics studies the mechanical parameters of human motion. In sport it can help to improve performance by means of developing more effective motion techniques as well as to avoid injury.

Like Performance Analysis, Biomechanics has a strong emphasis on the provision of objective feedback to the coach and performance.

Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis is the provision of objective feedback to performers trying to get a positive change in performance.

Research shows that on average, athletes and coaches can only recall 30% of performance correctly – Performance Analysis helps recall the sometimes vital missing 70%.


The EIS quality assures its Paralympic Sport Science & Medical support services, by harnessing its existing network-wide practitioner knowledge base, and by ensuring that Paralympic-specific interest and expertise continues to be nurtured and developed.

Talent Identification

The UK Talent Team is a working collaboration between UK Sport and the English Institute of Sport with the remit of supporting the National Governing Bodies of targeted Olympic and Paralympic sports to identify, confirm and develop talented athletes.

Performance Lifestyle

Performance Lifestyle™ is a personal coaching and mentoring service that supports more than 1000 World Class Programme athletes every year with their continued personal and professional development.

Delivered by over 20 professionally trained practitioners within the EIS, Performance Lifestyle™ works in partnership with over 30 sports.

Research & Innovation

The EIS Research and Innovation team, which transferred from UK Sport in August 2013, aims to ensure that Britain's top athletes are among the most prepared and best equipped on the world stage.

The team manages an ambitious research and development programme; looking at innovation in the areas of training science, performance medicine, equipment and coaching technologies. The aim is to create a system that allows maximum opportunity for more British Champions, making Britons capable of competing and winning on the world stage, cleanly and fairly.

EIS Head of Performance Nutrition Dr Kevin Currell gives an overview of the discipline.

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Our Sites

Our Sites

The EIS features a nationwide network of world class support centres funded by the Sport England Lottery Fund and operated by a range of partners...