MMO South Marine Plan – having your say 

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has been busy in RYA’s Southern Region making presentations at local yacht clubs and the Solent Protection Society on the 20 year MMO South Marine Plan.

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has been busy in RYA’s Southern Region making presentations at local yacht clubs and to the Solent Protection Society to say how the 20 year MMO South Marine Plan will be developed between now and 2016.   

“The 20 year Plan will influence and possibly drive Harbour Master Plans, so it is important that local leisure boating stakeholders ensure that all their activities and concerns have been taken into account by MMO,” says John Pockett, Chairman of the RYA’s Southern Region Committee. 

The RYA Southern Region and head office are actively engaged with MMO on this project.   Presentations were made at both the Royal Southampton Yacht Club and the Royal Lymington Yacht Club in October.   The next consultation of local stakeholders will take place in second and third week of January 2015, when planning options will be explored and developed.  

Whilst the analytical document that was produced by MMO to inform the planning process will not be updated, updates to evidence can be posted on the MMO’s Marine Planning Portal.  The modified evidence may take up to three months to appear on the Portal.  When the 20 year Plan is in place, a Marine Information System similar to that already in place for the East Marine Plan will be provided, which will give guidance on the issues the plan addresses related to various activities. 

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Article Published: October 20, 2014 13:08

Article Updated: October 20, 2014 14:53


Tagged with: Dinghy Cruising, Yacht Cruising

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