Motor Cruising picture

Start Motor Cruising 

This is an entry level course and can be run in conjunction with higher level courses for mixed ability groups.

This course is ideal for introducing friends or family members to crewing a motor boat, and for giving them an understanding of how they can assist the helm.

Pre-course experience None
Assumed knowledge None
Minimum duration 1 day as a stand-alone course, 2 days if accompanying another course
Minimum age 8
Course content Personal safety, seamanship, dealing with emergency situations, coming alongside, picking up a mooring, boat handling
Ability after the course Able to be a useful crew member and assist the helm

RYA Start Motor Cruising Course - introduce friends and family to crewing a motor boat 


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Article Published: January 04, 2013 12:57

Article Updated: October 07, 2014 10:46


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