
Choose your team to see how its support is spread across U.S.

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Team 2

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@{{params.selectedTeamKey | teamHandle}} followers in each county   

@{{params.comparedTeamKey1 | teamHandle}} followers in each county
@{{params.comparedTeamKey2 | teamHandle}} followers in each county

Where does each @NFL team find its supporters? This map shows you where you'll find followers for every NFL team, with some coming from counties that are thousands of miles away.

Choose your team and zoom into county view to see where their support is strongest. You can also compare it to a rival team, or see which team is most followed in any county.

When you're checking out your team, you can click the "Tweet" button above to share a link to that specific map.

For more #NFL2014 insight, explore our weekly visualization of the top teams, players, and Tweets.