Medway Yacht Club

Lower Upnor, Rochester,

Kent. ME2 4XB

01634718399 Office

01634718169 Clubhouse

Founded 1880

Medway Yacht Club

a fantastic place for all the family to sail……Why not call or email us  today for more details

We are keen to attract sailors of all abilities who have a love of dinghy or keel boat sailing

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27 September 2014

Updated  23 September 2014

More on the Bart’s Bash at MYC

Over the Weekend Medway Yacht Club took part in a Guinness World Record attempt to have the largest Sailing race in the World. With the support from Simon Winn, Catherine Gore and Claire Shepherd, Gail Penny rallied the members of the club to come together in the memory of one of our great Olympic sailors Andrew 'Bart' Simpson. Continue reading here

Bart’s Bash

What a day, wind and sunshine makes a change after yesterday. Everyone seemed to enjoy the day thatnks to all the hard work put in by the organisers. Thanks also to Benfleet YC and their friends who joined us for the supper on Saturday evening. The video HERE tells the story, well done Ashley.

Are you at the Southampton Boat Show this Sunday?

If so go along to the Honda RIB challenge and cheer on the clubs two competitors, they have been training hard and have a chance of winning a new RIB for the club. Continue reading here

Medway Yacht Club 51st Medway Marathon

This was a day of many changes in the weather but is was great to see all of the classes eligible for entry taking part. Of course we had the dinghies but also Squibs, Sonata and Dragons. Stuart Coltart sailing his Wayfarer has summed up the event nicely……read his report by clicking here.

Home Rule For Medway Pair As They Land National Powerboat Final Spots read the rest of the article HERE

Wayfarer European Championships at Weymouth. MYC had 5 Wayfarers taking part and managed to come back with the ‘Team Prize’. Tim Townsend has penned an article on this event which can be read HERE

“Upcoming Event - Honda RYA Youth RIB Championships SE Regional Finals – Saturday 2nd August 2014”

More details HERE

Barts Bash 21st September 2014

On May 9th, 2013, Andrew 'Bart' Simpson tragically died in a training accident in San Fransisco bay while preparing for the America's Cup competition. There was shock across the sailing world at the loss of this truly great and selfless man, and there were clearly many, many people whose lives had been touched by him in some way, including my daughter Georgina who had the honour of sailing with him….read more

Wednesday Evening Series Race 6 ~ 16th July

Next week 23rd July is the last race of the series followed by prize giving. All boats completing 5 races will be assured of a prize.  

We will then be sailing a bottle race on the 30th July with Cadets as crew, which is an excellent chance to introduce the younger members of the club to bigger boat racing. Please support this. Finally on Wednesday 6th August we will hold a Lady Helm bottle race……read more

Keelboat Regatta Pictures

Richard Janulewicz took photographs on Saturday of the Keelboat Regatta, you can see the results HERE.
You can also see the photo’s that Nick Champion took HERE

Sailing the North West Passage

Many of you will know that Max Bentley is at the moment sailing the North West Passage, started from Oban and has just left Greenland. The yacht is a Oyster 47 called Suilvan. They are running a blog so anyone interest can follow Max’s progress/adventure via this link.  

Wednesday Evening Series Race 5 ~ 9th July.

With two races left for the series Wild Rover MG 346 is leading the cruiser division with a 1st

in last Wednesday’s race. A combination of over sailing and repairs following the tiring but

enjoyable Medway Regatta, coupled with a wind forecast of gusting continue reading

Wayfarer Southern Area Championships at MYC

Ten visiting boats joined ten locals for the Wayfarer Southern Area Championships and National Series Event 2, hosted by Medway Yacht Club on 28th and 29th June. Read Tim Townsend's report here

Wednesday Evening Series Race 5 ~  25th June.

Ideal conditions after last week’s abandonment put a smile on the face of most of the competitors with 16 boats on the water. The F2-3 south easterly/easterly breeze with sunshine held for the duration of the race and allowed a course to be set that (continue reading)

Fitting Out Membership

Medway Yacht Club is pleased to offer temporary membership to yacht and boat owners wishing to make short term use of our excellent boat yard facilities to undertake maintenance on their craft. (more information here)

Boat Yard Services for Club Members

Scrubbing, Antifouling, General maintenance, Cradle Erection/Dismantling etc. (more details can be found here)

Cadet Week Sunday 27th July to Friday 1st Aug 2014

The Cadet administrators are seeking help from members both on and off the water.if you can help get in touch with Ian Pearson or the office. Phil Stacey (who runs the Friday Night Sessions) has also said that he is happy for cadets wanting to brush up before the Cadet Regatta to come along on Friday nights leading up to the event.


Please be aware that the road from Margets Place Upnor to the Entrance to MYC will be closed for repair on Thursday 26th June from 07:00 to 19:00 hrs. It is not possible for diversions so access to the club will not be possible for vehicles.

Wednesday Evening  Race 4  18th June 2014

A strong ebbing tide saw 12 boats charging the line in an impressive start sailed in warm sunshine and a pleasant North Easterly F2.. White Magic and Valkyrie made good starts although a chasing pack caught up at (read more here)

Round the Island Race Congratulations to Andrew Baker sailing Spring Sonata in the Round the Island yesterday 21st June. They came 2nd in class,3rd in group and 21st overall. Andrew said the wind faded in and out all day with lots of retirements but some great sailing when the wind filled in. Great fun and worth the 36 hour motor last week to get there.

Aldeburgh Wayfarer Open Meeting

Richard Stone and Catherine Gore sailing ‘Obsession’ were just beaten into second place by an ex MYC member Neil Colingridge during the weekend at the Alderburgh Wayfarer Open meeting. But as Richard said, hopefully we have persuaded some more boats to come to the Wayfarer Southern's being held at MYC on the 28th - 29th June 2014

Wednesday  Evening  Series  Race  4

A pleasant balmy summers evening with favourable tides for the 4th Wednesday evening race and steak and ale pie with all the trimmings on the racers menu !  

What more could the 14 skippers and crews want as they turned up for another midweek evening of fun and excitement on the river,  followed by  hospitable company, good beer  and a well prepared supper in the clubhouse.   Well some wind would help !    read more HERE

Try a Wayfarer

The Wayfarer Class would like to invite new members, Friday-nighters and non-sailing parents of Cadets and Oppie's to our "Try a Wayfarer" mornings. These events will be held between 1000 and 1230 on the following Sundays, 1st June, 15th June, 10th August and 24th August, and will be an opportunity for less experienced sailing members of the Club to meet experienced sailors from our Class, look at and discuss our boats (and our love of sailing generally), and, read more here

Wednesday  Evening  Race  Report      Race 3

After last week’s abandonment due to lack of wind Race 3 a started with a pleasant F2-3 and sunshine for the 10 yachts who took part. Some fantastic cloud formations made an excellent backdrop for the returning boats and crews who despite the inclement forecast stayed dry for the duration of the race.

Musical Express ( Sonata ) led the fleet away from the line at the downwind start closely followed read more here

Wednesday Evening Race Report      Race 1

Dark clouds, 30 knot gusts and heavy rain were not exactly the ideal conditions forecast for the 1st Wednesday evening race held on 21st May. However this did not dampen the owners and crews of the 11 boats that took part. As often happens the inclement weather held off until after well after the race was completed and in fact the 2/3 knot breeze died away towards the end of the race.

2 new members and other spare crew were found places on different boats and thoroughly enjoyed their experience.

At the hotly contested start of the race read more here

   21st May Starts the Wednesday EveninOpen Series

(Kindly sponsoreby Barton Marine EquipmentLtd)

A 9 race series for Cruisers and Keelboats ( 6 to count ) will take place on Wednesday

evenings from May to July starting at 19-00hrs from the MYC line. 

 For details see the link on the Front page of the Website

17-18 May 2014 RYA 'Push the Boat Out' weekend

A really successful weekend thanks to those that came and supported us.