
Get smarter email wherever you are, integrated with contacts and apps on your Android phone or tablet.


The ease and simplicity of Gmail, on your mobile device



The power of Google search, brought to your email



Always stay up to date while on the go


The ease and simplicity of Gmail, on your mobile device


Messages are grouped like conversations, so your email won't feel cluttered.


Easily switch between labels and multiple Gmail accounts right on your phone. Plus, Gmail on your phone syncs automatically with Gmail on your computer.

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The power of Google search, brought to your email

With Gmail, you can search all your emails to quickly and easily find what you're looking for.

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Always stay up to date while on the go

Your email is automatically pushed to your phone, so you never miss anything. Gmail syncs emails you've recently received, so you can read them even when you're offline. Plus, on Android, you can use the Gmail widget to check your inbox and compose new messages right from your device's home screen.

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