
One place for all your conversations
Hangout with your friends, anytime, anywhere, for free
iPhone, iPad & iPod
Group conversations
Hangouts works the same everywhere - computers, Android, and iOS devices, so you can get the whole gang together no matter what device they're on.
Fun conversations
Say more with photos and GIFs, emoji, and location. Hangouts makes it easy to bring your conversations to life.
Live conversations
Sometimes you really need to laugh out loud. Turn any Hangout into a live video call with up to 10 friends or simply choose a contact to start a phone call.

Hangouts On Air

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Start a Hangout On Air
Broadcast your conversation to the world for free on YouTube. Learn more
27-10 hangout
CLG PORTUGAL is participating
G'wan Style Your life
G'wan by Charon is participating
Hi guys!
Fantage *Lover* Lover Is Me is participating
Max et mista sur broforce En live!!!!!
Mista rash is participating
The Rick and Reese Show with Pastor Moore
bepo kronkron is participating
Raging at Cat Mario
Emilio The Zombie is participating

Video Hangouts

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Video Hangouts are great for talking about anything.
No one in your circles is having a video Hangout.