Racing Coach Courses 

We run a variety of racing coach courses to meet the specific needs of our sport.  We are able to offer specialised courses for Dinghy, Keelboat Racing and Windsurfing.

Qualification Duration 
Racing Coach Level 2 (Dinghy): Course
aims and content:  To provide the basic skills to safely
run a brief, on the water exercise and debrief.
1 weekend
Racing Coach Level 2 (Windsurfing): Course
aims and content: Teaches the techniques that
provide windsurfers with basic skills involved with racing. 
1 weekend 
Racing Coach Level 2 (Keelboat): Course aims
and content: Provides experienced keelboat sailors
with coaching skills to enable them to deliver basic
race training.
2.5 days
Racing Coach Level  3 : Includes: Assessment & Mentoring.   Under review


APPLICATION FOR ALL RACE COACH COURSES - once on the RYA Interactive site click the botton "LOGIN AS GUEST" to view available courses.



Contact Us

Article Published: May 19, 2009 13:26

Article Updated: August 15, 2014 15:27


Tagged with: Dinghy Racing, Yacht Racing

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