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Notification of Dogger Bank Teesside A&B; hearings advertisement (pdf 540 Kb)

This advertisement notifies of the upcoming hearings in relation to the development consent order application for Dogger Bank Teesside and will be published in the Evening Gazette, Herald & Post, Fishing News and Coastal View & Moor News.

Notification of consultation on proposed amendment to Dogger Bank Teesside A&B; application: advertisement (pdf 543 Kb)

This advertisment announces the consultation on the proposed minor amendments to the draft development consent order application for Dogger Bank Teesside A&B and will appear in the Evening Gazette, Herald and Post and Coastal View & Moor News.

Proposed minor amendments to Dogger Bank Teesside A&B development consent order
Forewind has proposed two minor amendments to the Dogger Bank Teesside A&B development consent order application, detailed in the seven documents below:

Deadline IV Appendix 19 Proposed minor amendment to the application - Plots 58B and 58F (pdf 5 Mb)
This document summarises the minor amendment to the proposed Order Limits on part of the land located within Wilton International. It is the first of three documents.
Deadline IV Appendix 19 Appendix C Updated Onshore Works Plan Sheets 5 & 6 (pdf 7 Mb)
This document includes the updated onshore works plan sheets 5 and 6. It is the second of three documents.
Deadline IV Appendix 19 Appendix D Amended Onshore Works Plan Sheets 5 & 6 (pdf 8 Mb)
This document includes additional updated onshore works plan sheets 5 and 6. It is the third of three documents.
Appendix 20 – Proposed Amendments to Plots 40A and 40D Part 1 (pdf 6 Mb)

This document summarises the minor reduction to the extent of the proposed order limit on part of the land located between the roundabout of the A174/A1042 and the B1269 Fishponds Road. It is the first of two documents.

Appendix 20 - Proposed Amendments to Plots 40A and 40D Part 2 (pdf 3 Mb)
This document summarises the minor reduction to the extent of the proposed order limit on part of the land located between the roundabout of the A174/A1042 and the B1269 Fishponds Road. It is the second of two documents.
Amended onshore works plan 04 (pdf 2 Mb)
This is an updated works plan submitted to the examination following the amendment to Work No. 6A, 6B, 8A and 8B
Amended onshore works plan 05 (pdf 3 Mb)

This is an updated works plan submitted to the examination following the amendment to Work No. 6A, 6B, 8A and 8B 

Amended onshore works plan 06 (pdf 3 Mb)

This is an updated works plan submitted to the examination following the amendment to Work No. 6A, 6B, 8A and 8B 

Dogger Bank News - Issue 9, Autumn 2014  (pdf 1 Mb)
This is the ninth edition of Dogger Bank News, providing the latest news and progress on Forewind’s development of the Dogger Bank Offshore Wind Zone.
Notification of Dogger Bank Teesside A&B; hearings advertisement (pdf 62 Kb)
Notice of the first set of hearings being held by the Planning Inspectorate as part of the Dogger Bank Teesside A&B Examination phase - Section 91 and Section 92 Planning Act 2008 Rule 13(6) The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010. They will be held on 14, 15 and 16 October at The Council Chamber, Redcar & Cleveland House (Community Heart), Kirkleatham Street, Redcar Cleveland TS10 1TD
Suction bucket foundation trials (M/V Brave Tern) (pdf 383 Kb)

Mariners are advised that trials to install, measure and recover a scaled down Universal Foundation suction bucket and reference suction bucket will take place at locations within the Dogger Bank zone as listed in the attached.

Champions for Wind factsheet (pdf 209 Kb)
This factsheet summarises the careers education initiative, Champions for Wind, which has involved almost 30 schools from the North East and Yorkshire & the Humber.
Annual Review 2014 (pdf 1 Mb)
This is Forewind's fourth Annual Review summarising the organisation's progress and activities in the 12-month period from April 2013 until May 2014.
Notification of Dogger Bank Creyke Beck hearings advertisement  (pdf 55 Kb)
Notice of the next set of hearings being held by the Planning Inspectorate as part of the Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Examination phase - Section 91 and Section 92 Planning Act 2008 Rule 13(6) The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010. They will be held on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 July at the Holiday Inn, Marina Castle St, Hull HU1 2BX, starting at 0930.
Amendment to Notification of Dogger Bank Creyke Beck hearings advertisement (pdf 29 Kb)
This advertisement for the Dogger Bank Creyke Beck hearings includes amendments to the previous version. The last two hearings of this series will now just be held on Tuesday 1 July (Issue specific) and Thursday 3 July (Compulsory acquisition). A final series may be held later in July with dates and venues to be confirmed.
Dogger Bank News - Issue 8, Summer 2014  (pdf 1 Mb)
This is the eighth edition of Dogger Bank News, providing the latest news and progress on Forewind’s development of the Dogger Bank Offshore Wind Zone.
Notification of Dogger Bank Creyke Beck hearings advertisement  (pdf 535 Kb)
Notice of the dates, times and location of the hearings being held by the Planning Inspectorate as part of the Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Examination phase - Section 91 and Section 92 Planning Act 2008 Rule 13(6) The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010.
Economic Benefits of Dogger Bank factsheet (April 2014) (pdf 199 Kb)
This factsheet summarises the potential economic benefits of development on the Dogger Bank Zone.