Port Blyth New Biomass Plant

What happens next

A decision on the application for a development consent order for Port Blyth New Biomass Plant was taken on 24 July 2013 and has now been issued.

The period for legal challenge is defined in s118 of the Planning Act 2008. Further information about legal challenge can be found in the letter sent to all interested parties accompanying the statement of reasons.

If you have any queries about the process please email the Planning Inspectorate at enquiries@infrastructure.gsi.gov.uk or telephone the helpdesk on 0303 444 5000.

Timeline (50 items)

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24 July 2013
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Decision made by the Secretary of State
24 July 2013
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The Examining Authority has issued its recommendation to the Secretary of State. A decision will be published on or before 2 August 2013. Please note that the Examining Authority’s recommendation will also be made available at that point.

2 May 2013
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Recommendations given by the Planning Inspectorate
2 May 2013
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The solicitors for North Blyth will change name to Bond Dickinson LLP on 1 May. For more information see the correspondence sent to the Planning Inspectorate.

30 April 2013
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The Examining Authority has issued a letter under section 99 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) notifying Interested Parties of the completion of the examination. There will now be a period of 3 months for the Examining Authority to consider and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State.

4 February 2013
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Examination ends
2 February 2013
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The following documents have been published:
- The developer’s cover letter relating to version 6.0 of the draft Development Consent order and Deemed Marine License
- Version 6.0 of the draft Development Consent Order plus Deemed marine License
- The Report on revisions to the draft Development Consent Order and Deemed Marine Licence following Specific Issues Hearing 9 January 2013

1 February 2013
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A set of documents were received following the issue specific hearing held on 9 January. This document lists all that were submitted.

29 January 2013
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The following documents have been published:
- The developer’s cover letter relating to version 5.0 of the draft Development Consent order and Deemed Marine License
- Version 5.0 of the draft Development Consent order and Deemed Marine License
- The summary of Drafting Changes made to version 5.0 of the draft Development Consent Order and Deemed Marine Licence following Specific Issues Hearing 9 January 2013

15 January 2013
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A notification has been published regarding an appointment of an Inspector for matters pertaining to section 127 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) relating to the Port Blyth Biomass Plant application.

15 January 2013
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An information request (Rule 17 letter) has been issued to the Environment Agency

14 January 2013
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The following documents have now been published:
- The developer’s application and appointment letter for a section 127 certificate relating to Network Rail land
- The developer’s application and appointment letter for a section 127 certificate relating to RWE Npower land

11 January 2013
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A document containing comments on the developer’s transport report following the specific issue hearing has been published.

7 January 2013
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The developer’s summary of oral statements relating to the specific issue hearings, open floor hearings and compulsory acquisition hearings held between 4-6 December 2012 has been published on the hearing page

Related documents:
Cover letter
Contents page
Email from Environment Agency to developer
Developers responses to comments by others on second round of questions

7 January 2013
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The agenda for the specific issue hearing on 9 January 2013 has been published.

7 January 2013
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A Rule 17 letter has been issued requesting comments on the Examining Authority’s Report on the Implications of European Sites.

4 January 2013
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The certificates of compliance with s.56, s.59 of the Planning Act 2008 and Regulation 13 of the Infrastructure EIA Regulations 2010 have now been published.

3 January 2013
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Northumberland County Council’s response to the Examination Authority request for further information (issued on 18 December 2012) has been published.

2 January 2013
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The summaries of the oral statements given at the specific issue hearing on Landscape, Design and Visual Impact at 9am on 4 December 2012 have been published on the hearings page.

21 December 2012
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The summaries of the oral statements given at the open floor hearing at 2pm on 5 December 2012 have been published on the hearings page.

19 December 2012
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The Examination authority has requested further information from Northumberland County Council and North Blyth Energy Limited under rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination procedure) Rules 2010.

19 December 2012
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The developer’s latest version of the draft Development Consent Order has been published.
View the covering letter
View the draft Development Consent Order

18 December 2012
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A letter notifying all Interested Parties about the Specific Issue hearing on 9 January 2012 has been issued.

18 December 2012
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The examination authority has on 10 December 2012 accepted an additional submission from Tyneside Friends of the Earth.

12 December 2012
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The audio recordings of the recent Specific Issue and Open Floor hearings have now been published on the hearings page.

10 December 2012
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A late response from the Environment Agency has been accepted by the Examining Authority and published in Responses to the Examining Authority’s second round of written questions

6 December 2012
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Responses to the Examining Authority’s second round of written questions have now been published.

3 December 2012
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Information and agendas for the upcoming Open Floor, Issue Specific and Compulsory Acquisition Hearings has been published.

28 November 2012
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The interested parties comments on Northumberland County Council’s response to the Examination Authority’s first round of questions have been published (Further Information Requested by the Examining Authority (Rule 17).

13 November 2012
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The Examination Authority has issued its Second Round of Questions giving the Interested Parties until 30 November 2012 to respond to the questions.

2 November 2012
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The Examination authority has issued a Rule 17 letter giving the Interested Parties until 9 November 2012 to comment on Northumberland County Council’s responses to the first round of questions.

25 October 2012
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The audio recording of the Issue Specific Hearing that took place on 11 October 2012 has now been published. Download it here (large file – 100 MB, MP3)

19 October 2012
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An agenda for the Issue Specific Hearing taking place on 11 October has now been published.

3 October 2012
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The Examining Authority has issued a revised timetable with a number of changes.

26 September 2012
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New date for Specific Issue Hearing regarding the draft Development Consent Order (Rule 13 letter) sent to interested parties

17 September 2012
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The examination timetable (Rule 8 letter) has been sent to interested parties

Procedural decision following Preliminary Meeting

15 August 2012
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  • Preliminary Meeting takes place
  • Examination begins
2 August 2012
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The preliminary meeting will take place on 2 August 2012 at the Civic Centre, Renwick Road, Blyth, Northumberland NE24 2BX. Registration will begin at 09:30am and the meeting is scheduled to start at 10:00am. Interested parties wishing to attend the meeting should contact the case team in the way set out in page 3 of the notice issued on the 5 July.

23 July 2012
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The notification of Preliminary Meeting (rule 6 letter) has been sent Read the letter

The letter also includes appointment of Examining Authority, draft timetable of examination and statement of principal issues.

5 July 2012
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Relevant representations published on the website
6 June 2012
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Registration of interested parties closes
1 June 2012
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Registration of interested parties begins
24 April 2012
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The application has been accepted for examination

11 April 2012
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Decision on whether or not to accept the application for examination
11 April 2012
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Application received by the Planning Inspectorate
15 March 2012
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Application expected from applicant
8 March 2012