Example Documents

The list below highlights examples of what the Planning Inspectorate considers to be ‘good’ documentation submitted in relation to nationally significant infrastructure projects.

Inclusion in this list does not imply an agreement with the content of the document, but an indication that the style, format or approach used is one that others may benefit from using.

Good examples will continually be added to the list when suitable examples are identified. Documents will only be added once the period for Judicial Review has expired following the Secretary of State’s decision (or withdrawal of a project) or once a Judicial Review has been completed.

We welcome comments, suggestions and potential examples via email at: enquiries@infrastructure.gsi.gov.uk

Consultation Report

Submitted by
Why good?
Triton Knoll Offshore Wind FarmTriton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm LimitedClear and easy to navigate with useful process diagram near the start of the report.

Adequacy of Consultation Response

Submitted by
Why good?
RampionBrighton & Hove CouncilComprehensive and gives clear justifications as to why the consultation was adequate.

Local Impact Reports

Submitted by
Why good?
RampionBrighton & Hove CouncilParticularly useful as it takes a strategic scale approach to the identification of impacts from a linear scheme extending over a number of local authority areas and ensures that effects on services such as highways, transport etc are integrated.
North LondonGreater London AuthorityParticularly useful as it takes a strategic scale approach to the identification of impacts from a linear scheme extending over a number of local authority areas and ensures that effects on services such as highways, transport etc are integrated.

Statement of Common Ground

Submitted by
Why good?
RampionE.ON Climate & Renewables UK Rampion Offshore Wind Farm Limited and South Downs National Park AuthorityConcise but still provides enough information to understand the position.

Usefully covers ‘matters not agreed’. Cross-references these matters to the LIR to avoid duplication.

Relevant Representations

Submitted by
Why good?
RampionNational TrustIt’s a reasonable length and has good structure as it summarises the overall position at the beginning, then addresses each topic and finishes with a short conclusion.
Atlantic ArrayMumbles Community CouncilClear about the areas of concern the community council holds with regards the application. It helpfully refers to specific geographic areas and aligns its representation with national and unitary development plan policies. It makes clear it disagrees with the applicant’s assessment of impacts, stating why and again referring to unitary development plan policies.
Atlantic ArrayFive Parishes Atlantic Array Working Group

Submitted by a working group of five parishes, set up especially to address potential on-shore repercussions from the proposed development. It set out the parties and the aims of the group, the local issues and concerns and stated areas where it considered further information was required from the applicant. At relevant representation stage, the Examination Authority found it useful to know the affected parishes were working together and to have the group’s views on matters the group felt needed to be addressed particularly during construction.

Responses to Written Questions

Submitted by
Why good?
RampionNatural EnglandResponses set out in a table format with the question and their response next to each other is helpful.