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Chasing Time Explore the amazing new virtual journey from The Olympic Museum and see what role time plays in the Olympic world!       Bill Barry, Olympian for life!  The Tokyo 1964 silver medallist tells you about why the Olympic Games mean so much to him!            var m_saveInterval; var m_currentPosition; document.addEvent('domready', function() { // Position courante m_currentPosition = document.getElementById('listSize').style.top; m_currentPosition = m_currentPosition.replace('px', ''); $('ctl00_contentPlaceTopWide_NewsBlock_hlnkNext').addEvent('mouseover', function(event) { // Taille de la liste complète sizeList = $$('#listSize').getSize(); // Taille de la liste visible sizeVisibleList = $$('#olympicNews .list-wrapper .list').getSize(); // Action de défilement m_saveInterval = window.setInterval(scrollBottom, 60); }); $('ctl00_contentPlaceTopWide_NewsBlock_hlnkPrevious').addEvent('mouseover', function(event) { // Action de défilement m_saveInterval = window.setInterval(scrollTop, 60); }); $('ctl00_contentPlaceTopWide_NewsBlock_hlnkNext').addEvent('mouseout', function(event) { window.clearInterval(m_saveInterval); }); $('ctl00_contentPlaceTopWide_NewsBlock_hlnkPrevious').addEvent('mouseout', function(event) { window.clearInterval(m_saveInterval); }); function scrollBottom() { if (m_currentPosition > -(sizeList[0].y - sizeVisibleList[0].y)) { if ((m_currentPosition - 5) < -(sizeList[0].y - sizeVisibleList[0].y)) { $$('#listSize').setStyle('top', -(sizeList[0].y - sizeVisibleList[0].y) + 'px'); } else { m_currentPosition -= 5; $$('#listSize').setStyle('top', m_currentPosition + 'px'); } } }; function scrollTop() { if (m_currentPosition < 0) { if ((m_currentPosition + 5) > 0) { $$('#listSize').setStyle('top', 0 + 'px'); } else { m_currentPosition += 5; $$('#listSize').setStyle('top', m_currentPosition + 'px'); } } }; });    News   RSS News        20/10    Nanjing 2014: Injury prevention advice at the Youth Olympic Village   Girl power wows the fans in Nanjing      17/10    Track and field stars shine bright      16/10    Singapore rules the waves in Nanjing      15/10    Olympic Medallist Storm Uru's successful transition to a career after sport   Olympic Highlights   Rhythmic gymnastics: Russians sweep the board      14/10    Contribution of the IOC and of sports bodies essential to Switzerland, says Ueli Maurer   Bulgarian President makes official visit to IOC headquarters, Olympic Museum   Golden girls from three continents enjoy Nanjing limelight      13/10    The IOC President meets Lausanne’s youngsters    Athlete Role Model Lucie Décosse hails “wonderful” Nanjing experience   Rivalry and friendship on the tatami in Nanjing      12/10    IOC President Thomas Bach in Kazakhstan - visits National Olympic Committee and tours Winter Sports facilities   Tokyo marks 50th anniversary of 1964 Olympic Games   Tokyo 2020 holds first Advisory Meeting      11/10    IOC President Bach meets Georgian President and Prime Minister during NOC 25th Anniversary celebrations in Tiblisi       10/10    Tokyo 1964 silver medallist Bill Barry about why the Olympic Games mean so much to him   Tokyo 1964 created lasting Olympic legacies             More news                window.addEvent('domready', function () { var OgItemList = $$('.OgItem a'); var OgLiItem = $$('.OgItem'); linkList = $$('.OgBlock .list'); var listSize = linkList[0].getSize().x; relatedLinks = $$('.OgBlock .links li'); // defines the current item index in the list OgLiItem.each(function (item, index) { if (item.hasClass('current')) { var itemPos = -listSize / 2 + index * 85 + 97 / 2 + 13; linkList.setStyle('backgroundPosition', itemPos + 'px bottom'); } }); if (OgItemList != undefined && OgItemList != null) { OgItemList.each(function (item, index) { item.addEvent('mouseover', function (event) { resetAllItems('.OgItem'); item.parentNode.addClass('current'); hideAllLinks(relatedLinks); relatedLinks[index].setStyle('display', 'block'); var itemPos = -listSize / 2 + index * 85 + 97 / 2 + 13; linkList.setStyle('backgroundPosition', itemPos + 'px bottom'); }); }); } // loop on all the OG items to unset the "current" class function resetAllItems(selector) { var itemList = $$(selector); itemList.each(function (item, index) { item.removeClass('current'); }); } // hide all related links function hideAllLinks(selector) { var linksList = $$(selector); linksList.each(function (item, index) { item.setStyle('display', 'none'); }); } });    Olympic Games    Beijing 2008   Vancouver 2010   London 2012   Sochi 2014   Rio 2016   PyeongChang 2018    Tokyo 2020       See all the Beijing 2008 Highlights! 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 //         Latest Photos         Closing Ceremony Scene from the closing ceremony of Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province, Aug. 28, 2014.

         Closing Ceremony Scene from the closing ceremony of Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province, Aug. 28, 2014.

         Closing Ceremony Scene from the closing ceremony of Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province, Aug. 28, 2014.

         Closing Ceremony Scene from the closing ceremony of Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province, Aug. 28, 2014.

         Closing Ceremony Scene from the closing ceremony of Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province, Aug. 28, 2014.

         Closing Ceremony Scene from the closing ceremony of Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province, Aug. 28, 2014.

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